View Full Version : venlalic or citalopram

09-05-12, 15:36
hi folks

need some advice please ive had bad anxiety panic for the past 10 years or so and through 8 years of that i have taken citalopram 40mg had a very bad few weeks were i felt they were no longer working so went to docs to ask for a change and i specifically asked for venlafaxine as ive heard good things about them i started to take them and i have been on them for 9 days or so but stopped them even though i felt a bit better i felt so tired on them and drowsy ive now gone back to citalopram as of yesterday i just feel as though ive made a mistake and the citalopram have come to the end of the line and ive not given the venlafaxine a good enough chance because i feel a bit worse again today i just thought a change in meds after 8 years would probably be the best solution and with these being snri its something different.but i feel a bit worse today though
any advice thankyou

09-05-12, 18:19
Hi there,

It's always best to stick to what your GP has recommended and definitely give new meds a good chance to work.

There are a few of us on venlafaxine here (join in on our active thread) and it's worked really well for the majority of us. It takes a good few weeks to take full effect so I would recommend sticking with it. Be careful swapping between meds though. They stay in your system for different lengths of time and can interact. Ask your GP for advice.

Btw, the tiredness on venlafaxine wears off pretty quickly.

Take care

Pip x