View Full Version : Cheers boss!!

09-05-12, 15:42
So the oother day i sent an email to my manager explaining my current 'situation' she was good about it all and reasssured me that my work is ok.
Now today i just sent her another saying that im really struggling feeling really depressed today and seriously thinking aout going to the dr to discuss getting signed off for a bit just until the pills start doing their job again and i can function, but i explained that i was really anxious about my sickness and what action might be taken if i go off sick, she sent me back a link to our counselling page of the intranet, gee thanks that's helpful it's it, i dont need F***ing counselling been there done that what a waste of time that was, i dont need to talk things through i just need the drugs to work, i need to be able to see and i need to not have to worry about whether i going to get the sack!!!
I know she has a job to do and if her guidelines say she has to discipline then she 's stuck and i would never use my depression just to get some time off but at the moment work is just one more hassle i could really do without.
What if these pills never start working, i've heard people say i was one them one and it was fine but i started again any they didn't work, can your body become 'immune' to some AD's, and i waiting for something that's not going to come, m i just biding my time until i completely flip out, seriously i feel as though im going crazy, tho my mum says if you feel like your going crazy it mean your not, it's when you dont realise your crazy you have to worry, so thats comforting mum thanks.

Apoligies for the wall of text.

09-05-12, 15:59

I completely understand where you're coming from, but you really do need to learn to rationalise these thoughts.

I know that's difficult at the moment due to the issues you're experiencing, but you do need to see things from the other peoples perspectives and stop "black and white" thinking.

I have a blog: www.beckybowerenspiller.wordpress.com which has tips and tricks on how to manage these thoughts. Maybe take a look and see what can help?


09-05-12, 17:53
Have a read of this page as well...


The first part about medication alone will not "cure" you.

09-05-12, 18:03
Perhaps she was trying to empathise with you in her own way. You must remember that if you have not had personal experience of depression/anxiety it is difficult to understand, you cannot see it like a broken leg, I think she was just being nice, and of course she has to follow company policy.
I don't know how long you have been on your current medication, but most take 2-4 weeks before you start to feel any benefit.
Your mum is right, crazy people are oblivious to the fact that they are crazy.