View Full Version : another anxiety sympton?

09-05-12, 19:14
heres my problem, only just recently finding that i have gad and ha , how do i know every time something new comes up whether its more anxiety or i need medical help. I have been so ill for a few months and some has treatment eg antibiotics etc but now i find myself questioning everything about if it real or not andd then that makes me even more anxious :weep:

09-05-12, 19:59
I'm in the same position. My anxiety was sudden about 3 months ago. Prior to that I was healthy & happy. I didn't know that anxiety caused so many symptoms but after a couple of doctor visits I understood more about it. Since then I have put every symptom down to anxiety but I am now dealing with weird head things that don't feel right. I haven't been overly anxious lately but I'm so dizzy, my head feels full & getting weird aches around my ear & eyes. Im worried that if I go back I'll be fobbed off but I know these are genuine symptoms. x

09-05-12, 20:16
exactly meche i totally agree these physical symptoms are so confusing :weep:
I dont want to waste mine or the docs time but on the other hand i dont want something to get worse because i put off going.
This forum is great to know your not alone but its so sad to think how people out there are suffering with some form of invisible illness :bighug1:

miss sparkle
09-05-12, 20:18
hi both. I think it is difficult, as the answer is all the things we experience are real, but some are harmless caused by anxiety.
I think the difficulty is when we have visited the doctor, to them believe what they are paying, and to trust them.
Its important to get any new symptom checked out, but if the doctor doesn't seen worried, try to note on, easier said than done x

---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:16 ----------

sorry typos, spell check!

09-05-12, 20:39
It's difficult to know what to do sometimes! I'm not a sickly person but these past few months have been a nightmare! I may get a day (2 if I'm lucky) during the week where I feel almost normal but it's short-lived. It's usually some ache or pain but the dizziness lately ...... :wacko:. Like you Lizzie, I think it's gotta be anxiety but what if it is something that needs attention..... How long do I let it go on? When does it end :doh:

miss sparkle
09-05-12, 21:13
I am the same.
Mine started with dizziness in December. i had cotton wool head feeling, dizziness, general depersonisasion, blurry vision, the lot.
I had it for about 2 months in all.
Then i found a breast lump and it disappeared almost immediately, when i had something else to worry about.
since then i have had, and have got numerous aches and pains which have all spiraled into serious paranoia and ultimately ha. Its fairly new for me, but already cannot remember a time when i didn't worry constantly about my health.
its exhausting!x

09-05-12, 22:11
it is exhausting and frustating, i think my anxiety has built up over a number of years but upto a few weeks ago it was very mild with nothing physical, now even when i have a good few hours im still waiting for it to start again.
Just want to wake up normal again, normal for me anyway:D
Good news im nearly on week 4 of cit so hopefully things will get better soon, hope they do for you both aswell:hugs:

09-05-12, 22:21
Its so dificult and im struggling to come to terms with how much anxiety can cause and how it masks so many other problems like ms which is my main worry. As hard as it seems we just have to put our faith in doctors and if we need a 2nd opinion then we have to get that. Im at the worst ive ever been but we will all overcome it its just learning how emotions affect us and how much we can cause ourselves