View Full Version : anxiety lasting all day : (

09-05-12, 20:08
i woke up this morning feeling anxious having thoughts like im about to die i know im not its the anxiety i just find if i wake up anxious i find it hard to shake and feel horrible all day i hate it : ( the good thing is it hasnt stopped me from going out or had panic attacks which usually happens when i feel like this :) hope this is a sign im beating this horrid anxiety anyone have any tips on getting rid of these horrible thoughts that causes my anxiety?

09-05-12, 20:12
Best way to get rid of anxious thoughts for me is to accept them and distract myself, try doing things to take ur mind of anxiety a little, things you enjoy. Play some games, read a book..anything :)

09-05-12, 21:09
Thanks for your reply pacific, suppose its trying different things see which distracts us from these thoughts ive tried games they work for a bit tho ill have to try a book havent read in ages and might be the distraction i need thanks for the tip :)

09-05-12, 21:11
I agree with Pacific, if you accept the thoughts and let them pass through your mind without reacting to them, let them float on by, they should go away soon.
If you are managing to go out without having a full blown panic attack, it sounds like things are looking up for you, well done............:D

09-05-12, 22:31
i woke up this morning feeling anxious having thoughts like im about to die i know im not its the anxiety i just find if i wake up anxious i find it hard to shake and feel horrible all day i hate it : ( the good thing is it hasnt stopped me from going out or had panic attacks which usually happens when i feel like this :) hope this is a sign im beating this horrid anxiety anyone have any tips on getting rid of these horrible thoughts that causes my anxiety?

ive been like it too,my body has felt tense all day with anxiety,but ive not had the bad thoughts,hope you ok rach...