View Full Version : So what now?

09-05-12, 23:03
I am almost at the 60 day mark of fluoxetine, I had some side effects including difficulty sleeping, higher anxiety and feeling weirdly emotional spontaneously amongst others. I do seem to have stabilised a bit now but now it feels like i did right before i started taking them :S i dont feel any less anxious/depressed than i did on day one? The problem is I have never taken AD's before so dont know what it feels like when they are working and have nothing to compare it to. I am going to see the doctor soon for a review and for another prescription but im not really sure what to say?

All the best,

10-05-12, 11:51
Hi Connor,

I am past the 50 day mark on 20mg fluoxetine. I am taking it for anxiety/panic.
I am still struggling with sleep so I can't tell if it's working myself. I'd be able to judge better I think if I was sleeping ok. I still feel anxious and on edge, more so when i've had a real poor night's sleep.
I think if it is working then you should be feeling some theraputic effect such as better mood, feel calmer and an ability to cope with the day better.
If you aren't feeling that even slightly then it may be a case of upping the dosage or changing medications.
I would just be as honest as you can be with your GP and let him/her recommend what's best for you.

All the best mate,


10-05-12, 12:14
Connor Im few days ahead and I know what your talking about. Ive been on few SSRIs and noticed that symptom reduction is not the same as feeling good, like you used to(maybe before the onset of depression\anxiety). It take 4-8 weeks for a SSRI to start reducing your symptoms, in my case chest tightness, dizziness, some fears... but it takes more then 3-4 months to feel the full benefit, to be able to live life fully. Plus I dont think that after an onset of a mental disorder you can ever be same again, at least in my experience. It simply changes you, your attitudes, your view on life, and on daily problems. In my experience its been a positive, humane and emphatic change. Good luck

22-05-12, 07:16
Thanks for your replies they were good to read before my doctors appointment :)
I went to see my GP and he agreed that upping my dosage would be the right thing to do
So I have now been taking 40mg a day for the last week and the side effects have returned with a vengeance, after just starting to sleep again the insomnia is back along with the low mood and anxiety. I am determined to ride it out though as like I said before there was some improvement before just not enough. In response to your comment about never being
The same after mental illness cosmic, I think that even when you don't have any kind of depression or anxiety we all mostly have a tendency to look at our younger days through rose tinted glasses a little, I wasn't talking literally about being as I was before but was referring to my levels of anxiety/mood before and after taking the meds :)
Recovering properly from a mental health problem like depression/anxiety should make us
Both stronger AND wiser! Stronger as we have the tools to cope with our thoughts and
Feelings effectively and proved we can overcome whatever problems we have and wiser because we understand not only ourselves but also the people around us better and also understand what it is like to experience our condition and not to misjudge others that
Experience problems with their mental health.

All the best,