View Full Version : Itching all over!

10-05-12, 10:40
Hi there

Anyone else had bad itching all over skin with anxiety! It seems worse at night and if I get hot! and my hands and feet seem to get irritated?


Jayne xx

10-05-12, 10:52
Hi Jayne

Yes i have this problem and its normally always at night time or like you say when i get hot or sometimes like now when im thinking about it i have really bad skin anyway and it gets really red and bumpy when i itch im guessing this is just another part of Anxiety that ive been trying to put towards something else but after you said you get the same its prob just the joys of HA

Keep smiling

10-05-12, 10:54
hi jaynehal,i had the same itching fell before,i am not sure now i am getting them or not

10-05-12, 11:40
Thanks guys!

I really do bug myself sometimes with always having a new symptom, and it looks like this week it's itching, think I'll go and buy some piriton!

Jayne xx

10-05-12, 22:53
Anyone else itch with anxiety??

11-05-12, 14:06
I have this right now! I've had it for a few days. I was mega stressed/anxious before it happened so it does seem related. I itch one place and then somewhere else is itchy, then somewhere else, and somewhere else.. I also get tingling now and again. Mine seems worse at night but I'm not sure if that's just because I'm paying more attention to it because I'm not doing anything else. They did tests on mice and found that stress can cause inflammation/activate the immune system response which in turn causes them to itch. So they believe it to be the same for humans. What seems to help me and what I'd suggest to you too is camomile tea. I had 2 cups yesterday and it seemed to help for a while, likely because it's anti-inflammatory and it can calm you down metally too. I'm going to try it again today. It can make you a bit sleepy though so be aware of that. Also trying to ignore the sensations as best you can and distracting yourself, since the more we worry about these things the worse or more ongoing they become. Xx

p.s I've had anxiety years and have never had this before, it's a new symptom for me too

11-05-12, 14:42
Thanks for replying it helps knowing that I'm not on my own with this symptom ha ha I will try some camomile tea, thanks for the info! Xx

11-05-12, 14:53
Thanks for replying it helps knowing that I'm not on my own with this symptom ha ha I will try some camomile tea, thanks for the info! Xx

No problem, Thanks for creating this post! :) I was still panicking a bit before I read it, even though the tea seemed to help me yesterday, and I'd read the research about stress being a trigger for itching, and my aunt (who knows a lot about anxiety symptoms) told me it can be common with it... It's like my mind can have all this information but it doesn't get through to me, not unless someone else with anxiety can tell me they have the exact issue i'm experiencing, then I start putting things into perspective. Though I also think it can be classic with anxiety to not be completely at ease until the symptom has passed, but it helps me a lot to know I'm not on my own too Xx

16-05-12, 15:02
hey jaynehal, how are you doing with the itching? i'm still having a problem, but i found out dairy products release lots of histamine naturally and i'd eaten two huge pots of youghurt a day or two before this started. maybe if i hadn't my stress wouldn't have effected me in this way i don't know. i'm going to cut down on dairy and any junk food because apparently that makes it worse, it suggests more omega 3 from fish, things that are good for you etc. also 'green tea' is meant to help so i'm trying that in addition to camomile. Xx

16-05-12, 15:12
Hi, I get this also. I have had eczema for as long as I can remember and every time I get stressed/anxious it flares up and I get itchy here, then somewhere else, then in another place etc. It's not always an itchy feeling, but a tingling sensation as well.

It tends to calm down when I relax a bit, so that's what I'm trying to do :)

Anxiety makes us feel all sorts of things!

Take care XXX

16-05-12, 15:22
Thanks guys! I have still been itching but this week it seems I'm focused on my sore Tongue lol when I have something else to worry about the other symptom, it could have even been my washing powder but I did start drinking camomile tea on Sunday so that may have helped! Xx

16-05-12, 15:30
Thanks guys! I have still been itching but this week it seems I'm focused on my sore Tongue lol when I have something else to worry about the other symptom, it could have even been my washing powder but I did start drinking camomile tea on Sunday so that may have helped! Xx

i'm glad it seems to have subsided a bit for you! but oh no, you didn't burn your tongue did you? i did that once without realising and it was sore, also burnt my mouth without knowing and the skin felt rough, i worried about both at the time as we do with HA, both went as quickly as they came though Xx

It's not always an itchy feeling, but a tingling sensation as well.

this is exactly what i'm getting, mainly itchy but tingling on and off, i wish it'd tingle more and itch less lol as i don't mind the tingling, but the itching is so annoying. thanks for sharing your story too Xx

this thread and the replies have made me feel so much better, thanks guys :)

20-05-12, 09:47
Hi guys

Back again with this itching/Scratching :( wish it would go it starts with my hands and feet and fingers, then moves anywhere :(( started googling stuff an now I'm freaked out thinking all sorts especially the lymphoma word :(( it's worse at night or when I'm in bed, please help me!


Jayne xx

20-05-12, 23:18
don't worry hun i'm still itching myself. though i've been having omega-3 and garlic capsules daily (they're both anti-inflammatory) in addition to camomile tea still, and it seems to have calmed down. still not gone though. but i think the fact it varies in how much its irritating us, or it comes and goes etc, really does mean its stress xxx

21-05-12, 02:33
When my anxiety was at its worst about this time last year itching and night sweats convinced me I had lymphoma.

I had anxiety.

In August and September I had CBT. Anxiety has now been gone since then, along with all those unpleasant symptoms that mimic life-threatening illnesses.

21-05-12, 12:53
When my anxiety was at its worst about this time last year itching and night sweats convinced me I had lymphoma.

I had anxiety.

In August and September I had CBT. Anxiety has now been gone since then, along with all those unpleasant symptoms that mimic life-threatening illnesses.

i've had night sweats too, but i was assured by the fact that they don't drench everything and they're very infrequent. i had a couple last year and one this year. once i was too hot in bed and the other times i was too cold, apparently your body will 'shiver' to try to warm you up. and sometimes it can be just down to excess adrenaline. it is so annoying anxiety can mimic these things, but i guess we've just gotta tell ourselves that we have anxiety, so if anxiety can do it, bingo, that's the cause.

22-02-23, 19:26
I know thus was over a decade ago. But what ended up happening?