View Full Version : is it anxiety or am i ill ???

10-05-12, 11:17
hi been a while since i wrote on here and up untill a week ago ive felt fine no anxious feelings or panic attacks :) but then 3 weeks ago i lost my voice for no reason and to this day its still not back :( im also getting really bad dizzy spells and i cant walk properly it feels like the floor is moving my ears hurt my throat hurts and i keep getting hot sweats generally feeling lethargic thirsty etc ... i dont take any medication apart from stemetil which i take for dizzy spells and anxiety 3 times aday but these dont seem to be doing much i take them for a couple of weeks come of them for a couple and then go back on them ....
ive been back at work 2 weeks after having 2 weeks of sick but today ive had to take another day work of anyway my question is do you think this is just my anxiety or have i got some sort of bug im going back to the doctors tonight seeing as tuesday she couldnt find anything and im feeling no better if anything worse :( i hate feeling ill i just want to be at work it feels like ive felt ill now since christmas ive tried antidepressants but they dont agree with me at all :( ..... losing the will to live now and its affecting me and my sons life as i couldnt take him to school today
any advice appreciated xx

10-05-12, 18:23
hi thanks for the reply :)
just got back from the docs and she has given me betahistine to take 3 times aday i was on stemitil but she thinks i need a break from it she also took me of the pill as my blood pressure was high and has booked me in for an ecg (check my heart) if thats right lol .... this evening i dont feel to bad still heavy headed but im also so tired so i think im havin an early night and im going to try and wake up positive tomorrow knowing things are being looked into :)