View Full Version : Weird dent in calf...SCARED :(

10-05-12, 12:58
Hi everyone,

I'm ill with a cold/flu and home from work, so the inactivity has probably sent my mind into overdrive.

I looked at my right leg and there is a definite 'dent' on my calf about half way down the leg just below the big calf muscle. I can see it clearly and feel it and it looks noticeably different to my left leg. I am sure it must be new because I would've noticed it before!

STUPIDLY i googled and now i'm convinced it's muscle wastage and i have ALS or something. It doesn't hurt or anything and i don't remember injuring my leg - it just looks so weird, i'm convinced it must be a sign of something bad!

I just called my GP and they don't have any appointments til monday and i can't take it then because i'm already off work today so it will look awful to my bosses!

I am so stressed and upset and i'm not even sure why...has anyone else had anything like this?? I'm a 23yr old female who plays a lot of sport if that helps at all...

Any advice would be hugely helpful - really panicking :weep:

Kittenface xXx

10-05-12, 14:19
After I broke my ankles, I was obsessed with looking at my legs - mostly worried about DVT! I noticed all kinds of lumps and bumps which I hadn't noticed before (probably because I wasn't looking before). I have all kinds of lumps sticking out and in on my legs. It's probably just how your muscles look while they are resting :) I honestly doubt that you'd have muscle wastage. I'm not sure what ALS is?

I'd leave it a few days, if you're still concerned then visit your Dr. I honestly think it's completely normal though x