View Full Version : Thank-you!!

10-05-12, 15:18
I just thought I'd post to say thank-you to those of you who told me to go to the Dr when I posted about my probs a few months back!! I have had the most awful health anxiety since as long as I can remember and after posting on here for advice I decided to bite the bullet and see a dr... so at 37 I finally got some help and I'm now on 40mg of citalopram (sp?) a day and feel like a completely new person... I still have anxiety but it doesn't overwhelm me like it use to... it was the scariest thing I have had to do (confronting my problems) and the best thing I could have done - so huge thanks to whoever suggested I get help :)

10-05-12, 15:23
Very happy to hear that i myself bit the bullet and called a doctor today for an appointment so fingers cross i can make myself to where you are today. Keep up the brilliant work.

10-05-12, 15:33
glad to hear you are getting help