View Full Version : New to this site but not to anxiety

11-05-12, 01:53
Hi there, I just joined this site today and am hopeful on applying some of the tips learned here to help with my ongoing anxiety disorder.

Definitely not new to anxiety as I've suffered with it for about 10 years now. A personal/emotional trauma in my life definitely triggered it. Came with massive/paralyzing panic attacks that also snowballed into a deep depression. Thankfully with the help of CBT and a year's worth of Cipralex I was able to rise out of the depression and learn to cope with my anxiety.

It's been an up and down battle, I have my good and bad days. I haven't had major panic attacks for years thanks to the therapy. I also prefer the natural route, so I haven't used anti-anxiety meds for years. Unfortunately the anxiety and panic attacks have resurfaced again due to some major changes in my life. That and unhealthy thoughts at times. I am happy to receive any advice here and to know that I'm not alone when it comes to dealing with such a debilitating disease.

Thanks to the wonderful owners for opening up such a great site for people such as myself :)

11-05-12, 01:57
Hi Astraea

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes