View Full Version : Constant paranoia about flu/infections

11-05-12, 03:10
I feel like i'm always repeating myself but here goes;

In november i had flu like symptoms.
I'd never had the flu before and it was awful.
I noticed it went into my chest and i had horrible breathing difficulties and a constant high ever etc.
Anyway long story short, after seeing a million doctors/nurses/whatever during the course of my illnes, they all agreed i had got pneumonia (probably viral)

Anywho, i felt officially recovered about mid feb maybe?
But soon after i just felt like i had a constant cold.
i.e. mucus in my throat every morning and clear runny nasal mucus.

My sinuses just feel constantly bunged up.

I went to the doctor last week, he listened to my chest and said it was all good.
He looked at my throat and it was raw.

He asked me if i had acid reflux and i said yes. He suspects that it's causing the mucus and that this mucus is unrelated to my 'xmas illness' which is fine i accept that.

But fastforward to today and i feel like i'm coming down with the flu all over again and it's sending me into massive panic mode!

I obsessively check my temperature these days now anyway and it hasn't gone over 37.0 so far but even 36.5-37.0 is high for me, i'm usually around the 36.2 mark. It's currently 36.8

I know i sound ridiculous but the illness over Christmas brought my anxiety back and now i'm having panic attacks all over the place.

My nose is so congested and i feel hot and sweaty and sick and achey and i'm so worried i'm going to die :weep: i can't tell if i just have a cold or not!

A girl i work with recently returned ater being off for months with meningitis and also someone i used to work with died at the weekend (he was only 26) so my health anxiety is just going crazy!

It's 3am and i have no one else to talk to and i'm just terrified!
I was going to phone the nhs helpline thing but they've always been useless with me so i'm just stuck!

11-05-12, 04:43
hi the more you think about your health the worse you will feel try look on the posotive go for a run or a brisk walk think of a lovely summer day , panic is a very vicious circle.

11-05-12, 06:37
Hi Hun....

There have been a massive amount of bugs, virus's etc etc going around for months. Mine started at the beginning of December and I'm still getting things one after the other. I had some bad thing going on where I was dizzy all the time, had loads of yellow mucus and clear gunk coming from my nose...coughing up...chest was always clear...after all these months doctor thinks I had an allergy problem...within that I had a chest infection, throat infection...

I had a virus 2 weeks back where I have just recovered, to wake last Saturday with then a new stomach bug, sickness and diorreah which got better 2 days ago.....

I have two kids which I call the carriers lol....they have been Ill too with different things in the last week....


11-05-12, 13:18
Hi Hun....

There have been a massive amount of bugs, virus's etc etc going around for months. Mine started at the beginning of December and I'm still getting things one after the other. I had some bad thing going on where I was dizzy all the time, had loads of yellow mucus and clear gunk coming from my nose...coughing up...chest was always clear...after all these months doctor thinks I had an allergy problem...within that I had a chest infection, throat infection...

I had a virus 2 weeks back where I have just recovered, to wake last Saturday with then a new stomach bug, sickness and diorreah which got better 2 days ago.....

I have two kids which I call the carriers lol....they have been Ill too with different things in the last week....


Thank you that does make me feel better.
I think because everyone is coming down with these bugs recently it's just made me 100% more paranoid and being actually ill AND having health anxiety is a horrible combination.

I've just come back rom the docs and she's given me antibiotics and a nasal spray so we'll see what happens!

Just sick of constantly being sick!!!

11-05-12, 14:22
I hope you're feeling better soon Andromeda! I'm glad you got some antibiotics. I too am paranoid with all these bugs going around, I either have one and I'm checking my temperature all the time and closely monitoring my symptoms incase it really takes a turn for the worse, or I'm scared of getting another. I'm so fed up, I just want it to end.

Mine started at the beginning of December and I'm still getting things one after the other.Same here! I've had something or other non-stop since december. I tried to avoid getting gastric from my mum and a cold from my dad, and ended up with gastric and a cold at the same time pfft. And any small gaps where I'm not ill are filled with stress/anxiety symptoms. It's so annoying.