View Full Version : Giving in and starting meds

miss sparkle
11-05-12, 09:11
hi everyone.
My story very watered down so far. . .
Dizziness general unwell feeling Dec-Feb, just started to feel better and get things under control, and found breast lump, had checked apparently all ok, now for the last month and a half i have had a pain in my right side, just under rib. its consistent all day everyday.
went to the doctors about 2 weeks ago, told to go back if didn't improve, so went Thursday, seen a different doctor who looked at my notes, gave me depression questionnaire, done a wee sample,fine, and said it was nothing to worry about.
Like most of us i feel like i have been overlooked because of my ha once again.
I was really good and waited a month before going this time so i could be sure, and still got waved away.
i had some citraphram prescribed back in Jan, but didn't take it, but have started this mornin as i can't cope with my feelings and general aches and pains anymore.

I just keep thinking what if its somethin serious and I have been crushed aside .

11-05-12, 09:41
Im sorry you feel the docs are not taking you seriously,i feel exactly the same!
Atm i see my gp every month and i always have a massive list of physical symptoms and she ignores them and says hows your anxiety and i say but what about my symptoms? and she says its anxiety have you taken them meds yet and i say no.... goes like that every month.
I know how it feels to feel so worried its something more than anxiety,i have been feeling like this for months now,everyday when i wake up the first thing i think of is symptoms im feeling then i get the dizzy disconnected feeling all day and i hate it,like you im really thinking of trying the meds now

11-05-12, 10:01
Just wandering did your doctor talk to you about cbt or anything along those lines. I have the same feelings and its horrible and have a doctors appointment on Tuesday but will refuse the meds just wandering if Doctors offer cbt instead or just say its meds or nothing

11-05-12, 11:47
Miss sparkle I also get under pain in my right rib have had blood test for liver function and currently waiting for ultra sound it has semmed to have eased off recently tho so I think it is part of anxiety. I'm a little stressed about my ultra sound
Hi jayred my docs has referred m to cbt my first 1 starts in june none of my doctors have mentioned putting me on meds. I'm hoping cbt works cos this ha is takin over my life.

11-05-12, 12:02
Thats great hopefully i get a good doctor the last 1 at the practise was very dismissive and said i just needed to go away and get on with my life which wasnt such a big help however honest it may be

miss sparkle
11-05-12, 13:50
hi everyone. thanks for replying!
I just feel so fed up with the whole situation now.
I dont want to take citraphram, as the side affect sheet scares the living day lights out of me , but what choice do i have.
I don't feel like i am even listened too anymore.
My symptoms are real, so how can i get taken seriously, the more i go to the doctors the more neurotic i seem, the more they focus on ANXIETY!
I was offered some normal counselling, as i lost it and just west a few appointments back, and she said i obviously have issues!
Julynn, is yours there constant? i asked if it could be my lives and she laughed and said i wasn't yellow!
can't cope anymore! :(

11-05-12, 13:52
I would see a different doctor shouldn't of dismissed you like that. As them to refer you to a cbt. Its really hard to cope with this ha is all very new to me and I'm really struggling with the is this anxiety pain or real pain such a vicious circle I tend to go rnd and rnd.
Hope you get a referral to a cbt they are suppose to be really good at what they do take care

11-05-12, 14:01
I do to. In all honesty ive had ha for around 10 years now but these last 6 months have been the worst of the worst and now ive picked up on ms i cant shake it off my mind. Lets hope this guy on Tuesday is better then the other.

Miss Sparkle keep your head up and do not let them palm you off we will overcome what we are currently going through but need to go to the right places if the Dr does palm you off then see somebody else but keep positive as best you can as with HA its curable we just need to find out why our emotions cause this to happen its really difficult but this is why i think i will try CBT rather then meds and if my dr palms me off im going to try CBT through anxietyuk as they offer a reduced price.

11-05-12, 15:16
hi miss sparkle yes it was there constant the way i can describe is like when i was carrying my chidren and they had the foot stuck up my ribs feels like that type of pressure pain.
it seems to off eased off now but it was there every day all day she said it could be my gabladder thats y she sending me for utra sound.
but im pertified in case they find something. but need to have it done for reassurance too.
i hope it eases off for you its such an annoying pain x

miss sparkle
11-05-12, 16:05
Yes, mine feels like a constant stitch, exactly like you say, like a little foot or something pressing in from inside. It isn't bend over double painful, but its consistent and very annoying!
when is your ultrasound?
The first gp i seen said if it was gallbladder i would be in alot of pain. I don't know what to do as they don't seem willing to scan me! arraghhh!