View Full Version : Different every time?

11-05-12, 10:07
Do any of you get different symptoms every time you have a bad spell of anxiety? Usually i lose my appetite and i have waves of butterflies all day/night. This time i am constantly hungry and getting hunger pains and i dont seem to be getting butterflies. My fingers felt stiff this morning and i feel like my muscles/joints are like a 90yr olds but i don't feel as anxious as i normally do. I keep thinking oh no it isnt anxiety this time because i feel different.

11-05-12, 12:09
Every time I get a new symptom I freak the hell out.
I've anxiety now for ten years or more , so I've had A LOT of symptoms!

I loose my appetite, I feel sick and hungry at the same time.
I get adrenaline rushes, that shoot through my tummy and chest and the butterflies.
I get tired achy muscles from being so tense all the time.
I get random aches and pains and headaches.
My fingers get stiff alot too.
I get random twitches, vibrations, hot and cold sensations lol

I too at times feel like a 100 years old :)

heres a symptom list, it's posted here some where but Im too lazy to find it :)

11-05-12, 12:21
Thanks mishel. Yes that's me i freak out if i have a symptom i havent had before. I usually have no appetite but this time i feel hungry all the time. I also feel strange like nothing is real, crazy dreams, brain fog, aches and pains everywhere and generally feel unwell and i just keep crying for no reason.

11-05-12, 15:28
I keep thinking oh no it isnt anxiety this time because i feel different.
I'm exactly the same. I'm like "I've had anxiety years and I've never had THIS before? what if this is actually something bad?" *panic*

Every time I get a new symptom I freak the hell out.
Once again, I'm exactly the same

It sucks because you can think you're getting past the whole freaking out over your health thing, because there's nothing you're too worried about at that moment (i.e because you've had it before and you know it's anxiety) and then, BAM, something new, and you're freaking out ridiculous amounts again. Really, really sucks.