View Full Version : Does GAD make you feel this way?

11-05-12, 10:16
I just don't feel right at all, just off. Don't know how to describe it. I usually have only 1 really bad day a week now where I'm really anxious but I often stiill have thoughts floating around my head telling me that feeling like this isnt worth it and living like this isnt worth it . I have the most kind, caring supportive husband and 3 beautiful kids but I just get through each day. I'm exsisiting but not living if you know what I mean. I plod along, I do the things I'm suppose to do but I'm bored and got no motavation to do anything, not even watch TV sometimes. I work 4 evenings and I'm bored there. Don't want to be like this for the rest of my life and I feel so sorry for my kids. xxx

11-05-12, 11:16
I would seriously go and see your doctor ASAP, you need to speak to a professional, who can help you through this bad time.
Sorry I could not be of more help.

11-05-12, 13:25
I would echo BobbyDog.

You are a compassionate person, as can be seen from your many other posts, always willing to help others. Now you should seek help for yourself.

I too have a similar outlook to you but can't always do the necessary day-to-day stuff. I am getting help.

11-05-12, 13:59
Could you be depressed? I get bored and miserable feelings too but I don't think about it not being worth it

11-05-12, 14:02
Suicidal thoughts are common , maybe you're just super fed up or having low self esteem?
When you get these thoughts you need to dismiss them n say nice things about yourself instead.

Sometimes meds can cause suicidal thinking too.

Please let your doctor know what's going on

11-05-12, 14:20
I see my Dr regulary, a new one I might add as my old one didnt really have a good understanding of anxiety and put me on prozac which caused halucanations so I had to come off them. I was then prescribed citrlopram which I havent taken yet. My new Dr wanted to start on them but told me to take my anti anxiety pills for a couple of weeks before hand so I wouldne be so anxious. He did the point score thing with me which was very high. A few weeks later he asked his receptionist to ring me and ask me to come in for an assessment, my point score was lower and I was feeling more positive so he decided not for me to go on the anti ds. I only have one or two bad days with my anxiety a week now , for the remainder I do slightly look forward to things and am a bit more upbeat. My hubby says I'm far better than what I was at the beginning of the year. Ive been through a streeful time since last oct, I got labyrinthistis, which is an inner ear disorder which causes you to be off balance, fuzzy head, blurry eyes e.t.c and a couple of other stressful things have happend. I still have the labs but its slowley getting better, actually I dont know if its labs or anxiety causing my symptoms now TBH. I would just love my old self back. I would just love to be happy again, to look forward to things like I use to and enjoy myself. BUt this condition ( labs ) has taken alot out of me and changed me so much and even though I'm getting better with that I feel like the anxiety has taken its place. Sorry for the rant . Thanks for all your replies xxx