View Full Version : New to Citalopram, Please help!

Princess Tiffany
11-05-12, 15:22
Hi everyone. I have been suffering with panic attacks on and off for years. But during the end of my degree after 5 years of little panic it came back with avengance. I put up with it because i though once all my uni work was handed in i would return to normal. However that didnt happen and 8 days ago i had a huge panic attack, ended up in hospital and since then i havnt been able to shake the anxiety and im having at least one panic attack a day and it affected everything i was doing, i felt many times that it would be easier if i just killed myself. I was then sent to a psychiatric A and E where they assessed me and gave my citalopram. But it has mad me so much worse and im struggling to cope. Im aware this happens, but how am I suppose to cope with it. I have an amazing Fiancee who is so supportive, but i worry that hes going to get pissed of with me. Im constantly terrified that I am going to die. I have anxiety induced chest pains and im stuck in a vicious circle. Since taking the tablets i get theses sudden waves of warm and tingling in my face and head, then i start to shake and that makes me panic. Its making e so unhappy and all i want to do is be the way i was and enjoy my life again without being in a constant state of panic and fear.

11-05-12, 15:29
IT does take 4-6 weeks for the cit to do it's thing and it does get worse before it gets better im afrain, juest ride it out if you can, if you cant go bck to your dr ask for something for the panic in the short term, Diazapam for example, hang in there:hugs:

Princess Tiffany
11-05-12, 15:42
The doctor gave me a few Diazepam, but she wont give me anymore as she says they are too addictive, But when i do take them the help immensely. But i only have 4 left and after that im on my own :(

11-05-12, 16:28
Yeah it's only the addictive stuff that actually works, it sucks, if you can make them last till the cit kicks in you'll be fine, failing that sorry i dont know what to do, if i did i would be doing it too :(

Princess Tiffany
11-05-12, 18:17
I only have 6 left :( if I try just for one a day, I have a follow up appointment on Thursday and as long as she thinks iv gone 3 days without them she should give me more. I'm hoping at least. I understand that they are concerned, but surely its good for my body to have a rest for all the anxiety. Ive only resorted to medication because its going to be a long wait for my CBT assessment and then a while longer before I start the sessions and I wasn't coping at all. I'm having a panic attack right now and I'm scared, it doesn't matter how many times I tell myself its just anxiety and it will not harm me I still feel like I'm going to die. It's helping writing a response to you, because surely if I'm able to write this then I'm not having a heart attack and there's nothing else serious going on with my body. I just want to know it will pass and that I will get better and get my life fully back.

11-05-12, 18:52
Hi there...
Hang on in there i was having lots of palpitations, chest pains ,shortness of breath blah blah resulting in NO sleep i was put on Citalopram started at 10mg for 2 weeks then 20mg for 9 weeks for me by week 4 all the physical symptoms did go i know some still have them but i believe even they find it easier but i can only speak from my own experience.
I am now week 12 and 70% better even going on holiday this weekend i can honestly say all physical has gone i am just left with the thoughts (confuses me lol....)
Keep going i didnt even want to wake up everyday, i still have days like it but so much more easier than it was xxx

11-05-12, 19:13
Just calm down, I know that's easy to say it doesn't work for me either but you know it's all fine even tho it doesn't feel that way, they of course have to be careful as they are addictive but your right all the anxiety can't be good on a body, just don't get too reliant on them x

11-05-12, 19:28
Hi there...
Hang on in there i was having lots of palpitations, chest pains ,shortness of breath blah blah resulting in NO sleep i was put on Citalopram started at 10mg for 2 weeks then 20mg for 9 weeks for me by week 4 all the physical symptoms did go i know some still have them but i believe even they find it easier but i can only speak from my own experience.
I am now week 12 and 70% better even going on holiday this weekend i can honestly say all physical has gone i am just left with the thoughts (confuses me lol....)
Keep going i didnt even want to wake up everyday, i still have days like it but so much more easier than it was xxx

Hi Tracey

Are you still on 20mg or are you going higher? Glad you are feeling a bit better though - seeing Psychiatrist tomorrow and I know he'll up me to 30mg!

Pleased you are getting there!

Laura xxx

---------- Post added at 19:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:17 ----------

Have a lovely holiday Tracey - you deserve it!:yesyes:

11-05-12, 19:28
Tiffany - can you see a different Dr? When did you start taking the Diazepam and how many mgs per day?? We all know they're addictive but you're not going to take them unless needed, I'd hope a Dr would assess you individually and realise that you're a bright lass who's been under stress and needs a helping hand. Sometimes you need Diazepam to get through the tough times or we'd be in a right state and one of those times is when you're starting a new medication.
Try to find a more trusting, understanding GP - Diazepam are emergency pills and as long as you only take them SOS to get you through the tough weeks they will benefit you emensely and help turn that alert button off until the Citalopram work.
You are never alone on here. Keep remembering the physical symptoms you have are as a result of anxiety - your heart is OK, your body is telling you to slow down that's all. I have chest pain, chest tightness, tingling, waves of heat over my body, nausea, insomnia - I tell myself they're physical manifestations of the anxiety - I too have had tests done and now I understand that physically I'm OK I can cope with these feelings easier. Have you done any reading about anxiety?
Hang on in there:bighug1:

11-05-12, 19:33
Hello Sam
wondered where you were.
I am enjoying your cd.
Still suffering tho how are you

Love Joy

Princess Tiffany
11-05-12, 20:42
Hi sam. the doctor prescribed me 10 x 5mg tablets on tuesday and i still have 6 left. I have taken them only went i have felt that i couldn't cope with the panic anymore. I could try seeing another doctor in my surgery, i don't really know any of the doctors there that well, but they have my records. So far today I have gone without taking one, iv just been jumping on here as soon as i feel panicky and reminding myself that its in my head and that im not alone. Its just frustrating that it has to get worse before it gets better.

Iv read so many things on anxiety in the last few weeks. i suffered really badly from it several years ago, but its been alot different this time round. I use to just have panic attacks, freak out a little, call NHS direct or end up in hospital. But after that i would be fine foe a few days. But the attack i had over a week ago was the worse ever and i havnt been able to shake it since. I dont feel like my life is very stressful at all (well up until the anxiety came back) so im not sure why they have decided to come back. Its just a vicious circle I guess. x

---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 20:39 ----------

Hi there...
Hang on in there i was having lots of palpitations, chest pains ,shortness of breath blah blah resulting in NO sleep i was put on Citalopram started at 10mg for 2 weeks then 20mg for 9 weeks for me by week 4 all the physical symptoms did go i know some still have them but i believe even they find it easier but i can only speak from my own experience.
I am now week 12 and 70% better even going on holiday this weekend i can honestly say all physical has gone i am just left with the thoughts (confuses me lol....)
Keep going i didnt even want to wake up everyday, i still have days like it but so much more easier than it was xxx

Thank you for that. Its great to hear people doing well on it. When i first got my prescription and read about it online, peoples responses didnt give me much hope. x