View Full Version : Solid-state problems

11-05-12, 15:27
We here must have "normal" problems that everyone has? Things like money worries or whatever. These are thing not generated by our fantastical thought processes, they are real, solid.

How, in thier anxious state, do people deal with these?

I find them ten times harder to cope with than the ones purely in my head.

11-05-12, 19:21
I agree with your feelings Firehead.
But, these problems have to be sorted out, we have no choice, once sorted we forget about them.
Unlike the irrational thoughts that go through our head, perhaps if we could see those through aswell, they would go away too.
As they say, observes the thoughts in your head, pay them no great attention and watch them float away.
If we don't have something real to worry about, we create something.
I know it is difficult to handle real problems, but, you get a great deal of satisfaction from doing so and it is also good for self confidence.
I know this cause I have had loads of quite serious problems to sort out over the last six months and I feel better about myself for being able to do this, it has not helped my anxiety levels though.
Sorry if i went on a bit.
Take care.

11-05-12, 22:42

I agree - I think that there must be cases out there of maybe money issues, family issues, etc.

I mean my uncle who sadly committed suicide back in April 2008 had relationship issues, however, he never managed to tell anyone about this and it resulted in us losing him. Mine, for me, was a personal issue regarding my fidelity in my relationship, I'd flirted with someone else and then was accused of cheating, which then sparked it all off.

My dad cheated on my mum for three years, me and my boyfriend had been through our fair share of trust issues and I'd always had trust issues with men in particular due to personal reasons.

I do think that there's a root core of everyones issues, whether it's in your sub-conscious or whether it's something that's just recently happens. It's all manifested and affects people differently, hence, why people have their own demons.