View Full Version : Stiff Neck!

11-05-12, 16:11
Has anybody else had a stiff neck thats lasted ages, its worse in the morning not sure if its due to stress or my crappy bed. i can feel the pain in my head at times too!, doctor felt my neck and back said everything seemed fine, not sure what to do!

11-05-12, 16:17
could be tension/sleeping position/sleeping in a draft/bad posture, or a combination. since you mention feeling the pain in your head too it sounds like a tension type ache. i've had tension headaches and rolling my neck around slowly in circles helped me. you could try it to relax the area, though if it makes the stiff feeling worse at all i'd stop. try wearing a scarf around your neck for a bit to keep it warm, keeping heat in the area should help it recover.

11-05-12, 16:30
Oh yes, I am going through that right now actually. Once you hurt your neck, it is VERY easy to hurt it again and can take awhile to heal.

My neck problems started with whiplash in a car accident 2 years ago. Since then, my neck gets hurt so easily. Right now I just slept wrong a few weeks ago and I am still dealing with healing. It is finally starting to show a little improvement, but any lack of movement for a while (ex. sleeping) can make it get stiff again. Try doing some stretches.

Somebody posted this website on another anxiety forum I go to once in a while. I don't endorse the product or work for the company, but if you click on where your pain is it shows some helpful stretches:

miss sparkle
11-05-12, 16:33
hi yes i have had a bad neck for ages.
Seems to be worst the more stress i am feeling!
obviously i worry its something!

11-05-12, 16:38
I've had this for years due to a neck injury. Alternate hot and cold. Too much of either can aggravate it more. You can buy ice packs which can also be heated in a microwave, so serve both purposes.

As others have said, it's most likely due to tension from hunching your shoulders and other bad postures.

12-05-12, 02:02
Hi there,

I get this too. Constant tension, even when I'm asleep, is the culprit for me. Notice the times when you tense up and make a conscious effort to relax your muscles. You should see it improving.
