View Full Version : Lack of concentration/memory

11-05-12, 20:59

I've been struggling with memory issues after being on citalopram for nearly 4 years, but more so after having my dosage increased from 20mg to 40mg. It's effecting my work which is stressing me out and probably making me worse as I'm worrying myself silly. I just wanted to know if anybody has had the same issue and if so wht did their GP say...is there anything that I can do or will I have to switch medication. Is there an alternative to citalopram out there that don't have these side effects?

Thank you


11-05-12, 21:49
Hi mate

Just a thought ....when did you increase to 40 mg , you say you are worried silly ......anxiety gave me a very poor memory and no concentration at all perhaps its anxiety and not the increase ?