View Full Version : why do i let it bother me?

11-05-12, 21:35
a few days ago some of our front garden wall was knocked down by someone...it left part of the remaining wall really wobbly and it was quite dangerous to any passers by as bricks were loose and it looked like it could fall on someone......so at 6.30 this evening we decided to knock the rest down...it took about 30 mins to knock down, at around 7.15 one of the neighbours came over asking if we had finished as their boys (7 & 8 yrs olds) were waiting to go bed...it was quite obvious we had finished knocking the wall down as it was all down flat...he seemed annoyed and said 'ok i will let them know''.....i know his wife as their kids go the same school as mine...she seems ignorant...why did they come and make the effort to say this to us and why do i take it personally??? .... we were all cleaned up by 7.30...i have to do stuff like this at this time as my 3 year old goes to bed at 6pm.(who slept through the whole thing may i add )

7.45 i noticed them getting a take away delivered....she was wearing mens clothes at the door...weird...probalably wanted their kids in bed for their kinky night in......why do let these things piss me off

11-05-12, 21:52

Hope you're okay.

Look, try not to worry about her and everything - it's your issues kicking in and your irrational mind judging other people, your defenses are up although you don't want them too.

Just try and take a breather and not worry about other people, you'll be fine.

11-05-12, 22:09
Just let it go over your head, in the grand scheme of life, it is not important.

11-05-12, 22:23
Hi Nok Tok, it's a natural reaction from someone who is suffering from a nervous illness (anxiety), your nerves are over-sensitized and that makes you feel everything more strongly, including irritation and anger. Accept that you responded in this way and tell yourself it doesn't matter, it was just a reaction (plus your neighbours sound like idiots :))