View Full Version : nomore headache.. yeay!!

08-07-06, 03:26
Hi everyone i would really really like to thank you all for helping me through my "brain tumour " stage
you have all really helped me alot .
i havent been on here in a couple of weeks due to moving and also due to being cured.
i no longer think i have a tumour and i finally got rid of the headache i had for over a month straight .
i'd just like to tell you all how i did that in hopes that it will be able to help someone else .
i started drinking alot more water, got a heat pad scented with lavender, am going to a deep tissue massage every week (it hurts like hell) but believe me it worked after the second time i went :)
oh and i also made sure i now have a nice hot bath after the kids go to bed with some nice relaxing music just before i go to bed . oh and the biggest thing i think probably helped was i stopped taking panadol and neuofen. i really hope this helps someone else
and also i will be staying on here to try help someone else
you guys are the greatest better than any medication, doc, or shrink i mean that from the bottom of my heart .
so until next time i think i'm dying ... hehe ....
i hope there wont be one and i'm going to try so hard fro there not to be one as i have suffered form this for over 10years now .... but i'm sure there probbly will be
i wont be leaving anymore constant tumour msgs
thanks so much
love to all :D:D:D

08-07-06, 10:11
That is great news, so pleased for you!

Take care

'This too will pass'

08-07-06, 10:25
great news, well done!!!!

Take care



08-07-06, 18:22
thats brilliant kiss i,m soo pleased for you take care rachelx x x

polly daydream
08-07-06, 18:39
That's great news Kiss, nice one.
