View Full Version : small steps

12-05-12, 09:49
Hello guys :)
Yestterday I spent the day with my dad which I haven't done for years. We spent the whole day together went to the cinema out for a meal and shopping. I did struggle with my anxiety because I was very self conscious and I did feel massive a lot of the time.
But I still managed to enjoy the day even though I was outside of my flat spending time with someonei don't usually see somewhere I don't usually go.
So I really surprised myself. It may only be a small thing but its a start to conquer my anxiety depression and to start loving myself and who I a m.
There is hope for everyone xxx

Vanilla Sky
12-05-12, 10:02
Well done to you , keep at it , a little each day xx

13-05-12, 19:03
well done, glad you enjoyed your day you should be proud of yourself :yesyes:

13-05-12, 19:18
Aww thank you its nice hearing so much positivity and kindness xxx

29-05-12, 11:08
Well done! Glad you had a good day :D

29-05-12, 15:45
well done hun :hugs:

29-05-12, 15:49
Pleased to read this after your other thread...

Well done ;)

08-06-12, 07:08
That's absolutely fantastic! Remember, one day at a time. It's the way we'll all get there, you can't run before you can walk, right?


08-06-12, 16:25
Well done!
I'm glad you had a nice day. :yesyes: