View Full Version : NHS direct experiences anyone?

12-05-12, 19:18
hi everyone,
so since yesterday I felt sick and my tummy was unsettled which I thought was just IBS and/or anxiety but it didn't get better and this morning I was wretching trying to be sick but there was nothing on my tummy cos I hadn't eaten in like 14 hours.
Anyway I'm thinking this is just a sickness bug that's been going round I'm anxious but not panicking. The thing that has me more anxious is that I normally take propranolol 3 x10mg per day before food but not having eaten anything I haven't taken any today. So I read the little leaflet and it said don't take if you're on a fast so I was anxious over taking it having not eaten but I was also anxious about not taking it!!
so I rang NHS direct to ask for advice and the nurse called me back over 1 hour later going through a massive checklist of my symtoms asking me about chest pain, back pain, jaw pain, blood in vomit etc so I know feel more anxious! I had actually settled down a bit but having had that callback the anxiety and tummy pain is worse. As we all know anxiety gives a huge range of nasty symptoms but NHS don't take this into account.
So my thinking is that they have to be over cautious to make sure that they don't miss anything but for a health anxiety sufferer this is what we do anyway being hypervigilent and what we really need is some down to earth common sense like assuring myself 'it's just a tummy bug everyone gets them, it's not a problem if I stop my propranalol for a day I will start again in the morning'
what does anyone else think? has anyone has similar experiences to me in that they were getting calmer reassuring themselves but then the checklist makes them worse?
so next time I think I'll seek advice from my Mum who isn't hypervigilent about health matters but also would know if I really need medical help

12-05-12, 23:53
Have you tried eating? Does it make you feel worse? My first thought was perhaps your stomach was unsettled and making you wretch was because you hadn't eaten for 14 hours! If I don't eat for 5hrs or so, I start getting shakey & feel really sick. I have to eat my breakfast as soon as I wake up so I don't feel this way. Perhaps eating something might help?

If you're worried about the medication itself, then try calling a Pharmacist. I usually call them if I need any help regarding taking meds. Of course, next point of call would be your GP.

13-05-12, 07:12

I rang NHS direct last week about having this stomach bug going around as I was having sickness and vomiting at that point for 2 days...couldn't eat without nearly vomiting.*
They asked me loads of questions like that...I think they use the same symptom checker as you can use on the website...when the questionnaire is answered then it may say self help or needs urgent assistance or call back....

This all depend on answers given, I never mention my day to day symptoms like chest pains etc as it will obv make a difference in answer.....

They have to be 100% so they know what to suggest

13-05-12, 12:10
thanks for replies x
beezy- at the mo I've just been nibbling crackers I'm pretty sure it is just one of those horrible bugs cos I'm the same that I need to eat regular but the feelings I get when I need to eat are different to what I have been getting.
Em-glad to hear it's over for you I feel horrible! :(

13-05-12, 12:24
Ive lways found NHS direct very good and kind


13-05-12, 13:50
I too have found NHS directly always to be sympathetic but they can only do so much over the phone and you're right that they always veer towards the cautious, as you'd expect. There's no substitute for your own GP so go and see him/her if you're still like this mid-week.

Take care

Pip x

13-05-12, 13:56
thanks Pip :) the lady was really nice just set me off on a bit of a panic being a HA sufferer it's amazing how having someone ask if you have this or that symptom sets off doubts and panic.

13-05-12, 14:02

Yep, there just following a checklist from a computer screen and would say exactly the same to everyone with your symptoms. Don't read anything into it.

Pip x