View Full Version : Hi, I'm new

12-05-12, 19:36

I've been reading the forum for a while and really want to join in. I get anxious about posting and not saying the right thing. I do mean well though and know I'm in a safe place here.

I'm 53, divorced, 2 grown up children. Have had anxiety, depression, agoraphobia for about 6 months. I've actually been off work for a year now, originally because of an injury, and spend far too much time on my own.

I take citalopram and recently started quetiapine. I know I've come a long way from 6 months ago, it just feels like there's still quite a way to go. I'll get there.

I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you and sharing in this horrible thing we have, so much I've read has helped me already.


12-05-12, 19:39
Hi Lilac58

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-05-12, 20:04
Hi Lilac and :welcome:

I'm sure you'll soon find your way around the site and get to know lots of people on the way. Don't forget to share your experiences too as we all benefit from a new perspective.

Don't worry about saying the wrong thing - I'm sure you won't. If you're in doubt, read over your posts before clicking and imagine reading them from someone else's perspective. If you post from your own experiences, you won't go far wrong.

Take care

Pip x

12-05-12, 23:26
:welcome: Lilac,
Well done for taking the plunge, we are a friendly & supportive bunch here so you will feel at home in no time!! You are not alone, lots of likeminded people to share your experiences or worries with. Keep reading & posting :yesyes:

Take care,
Kitti :)

12-05-12, 23:40
Hi Lilac

:welcome:, hope u find your way around the site, and get loads of help and support.


13-05-12, 11:31
Hello Lilca,

I'm a new here too! So far it's a cool place to be so think you'll enjoy it also!

All the best, no doubt our paths will cross in another thread somewhere!