View Full Version : Irrational thoughts, am I in the right place.

12-05-12, 20:46
I am having a terrible time with these at the moment.

My thoughts are taking over to the point Ive walked out my house and left my partner and child there.

How I feel is 'I know my irrational thoughts are not real, but I can't help but believe them and allow them to rule me'

Is that how others feel? Cos I then worry, what if they are real if no-one else feels like this?

13-05-12, 12:52

I have these all the time about everyone. It's almost as if like if you cut the people out that are close to you that the thoughts are primarily about then they'll disappear.

It's sometimes easier to run away from the situation in order for it to seem better in the short run, but realistically, the only person you're hurting is yourself at the end of it all. If you think rationally, you need to realise what you want and need from the bottom of your heart, irrational obsessive thoughts are the ultimate trickster and they'll do anything to get you away from the things that you love and care about.

Try and list down all the things about your irrational thought that make you feel as if you should leave and then list down all of the things that make you genuinely happy - not the negativity caused by the irrational thoughts. You may feel better for them after.

I hope you're okay.

13-05-12, 13:24
Hi there,
Thanks for your reply. My problem is we just moved house. On the first night it was very cold but no one else thought so. From then I've obsessed about why I feel cold and nobody else does. I can't even sit in my room without feeling icy cold even though my body shows no physical signs of being cold. The room is also 25 degrees. From this I've become obsessed that my bedroom is haunted even though the only thing to support this is me feeling cold. I don't even know if I am actually cold or my heads making me feel cold. It's ruining my life and my relationship but I can't help it. I'm scared to be in my own house, I feel sick and overwhelmed by anxiety everytime
I'm in the room. But I apply this as having a 'weird feeling' about the room cause it's haunted. Half of me knows this is ridiculous but cause I keep feeling cold I can't overcome it.

13-05-12, 21:18

I understand where you're coming from totally.

The thing is with obsessive thoughts and anxiety, is that they'll latch on to anything and everything that you fear and try and turn it into reality. When you know that it isn't.

What you're doing by continuously checking that you're cold or not cold and asking other people for approval is in fact serving the obsessive thoughts and giving them the reaction that they need. As you previously stated, your body doesn't feel cold - therefore, your mind has now moved on to thinking of the next scenario which would be "your house is haunted - get out!" which you know is highly unlikely.

At the end of it all, your weird feeling is due to your anxiety and obsessive thoughts - not your rational part of you that just genuinely knows you're a human being and everyone's body temperature varies due to the environment that they're in.

Next time you get this thought, I suggest that you say to yourself "okay, so I'm cold, it doesn't matter if anyone else is cold or not. My house is not haunted, I know the truth and I'm fine." don't try and push away the thoughts as this will make them 10x worse, just allow them to come through and talk to yourself about it either out loud or in your head.

You know you'll be okay - just apply that method to allow the thoughts to be there, but don't follow the instructions in the sense of "COLD - PANIC - UPSET - ANXIOUS - ARGUMENT WITH PARTNER/FAMILY/FRIEND - CRYING - RELIEF - BACK TO SQUARE ONE." with your obsessive thoughts, allow them to be there; but also challenge them and you'll feel miles better.

All the best,

13-05-12, 21:30
Thanks, I'm glad I'm not going totally mad. I'm at my mums just now and taking myself out of the situation has totally calmed me down. Earlier today I was so bad my head was buzzing and I literally felt I could explode. I need help with this ASAP.