View Full Version : When you look around and everyone is happy

12-05-12, 22:52
And you just feel so god damn awful and that you will never, ever feel that way again. I feel so unhappy and I'm so jealous of other people and how good they look and how they talk about their day and what they get up too. I read all the statuses on my facebook page and look at their pictures of them all being so happy and doing things knowing that I'm sitting here with my anxiety and pounding head and it depresses me because I just cant be like that anymore and I wonder if honestly I ever will ! Things that they do with their kids and I can't. I'm sorry for the post, I'm trying to be positive but its so hard at times. Just trying to get through each day sometimes is a struggle. Maybe someone out there might just understand xxx

12-05-12, 23:00
I've been were you are and got to the other side of happiness.

The most important thing is never give up on believing that you will get your old self back again...............you will.

It just doesn't happen overnight, be kind to yourself and take each day as it comes.

You will get there

di xxxx

12-05-12, 23:06
Thank you so much for your reply. My hubby says that all the time to me and that it will get better and I can be myself again. Just so hard to believe when your feeling this low. Thank you xxx

12-05-12, 23:09
It is the hardest thing to believe when you are feeling so low and i remember people saying it to me and just feeling that i would never get there.

But i did :) and if i did... you will too.

12-05-12, 23:18
hey yes i feel the same, but really you will get better. Everyone eventually gets better. You will get tru this.

13-05-12, 11:06
Whenever I'm feeling awful I feel the same. When I had my breakdown especially, I was so jealous of everyone. I would try and explain to the mental health team that I would have given anything to be able to swap with them at that time because they were getting on with their lives as normal. I found it hard to watch tv as well, because there was everyone going on about their day to day lives. The thought of people doing normal things, like going to work, getting stuck in traffic, socialising, going home and having a meal with family, relaxing with a book - all the things I couldn't do and couldn't imagine myself ever doing again - almost drove me to tears with the envy of it. Why couldn't I be like that as well??? But it's true what people have said. Once you start feeling better and feeling more integrated you'll feel a lot better about it.

donna x
13-05-12, 11:29
I feel exactly the same, I look at Facebook photos and get really upset and can't stop crying because everyone has a better life than me. I then spoke to my friend and she says her life is not as great as it looks, a photo can hide a lot of things. She also said that I look happy in my Facebook photos so I look at them to try and make myself remember the happy times as I know that is the real me which will hopefully come back soon.

Take care, Donna x

13-05-12, 11:51
Here's a tip for people, get off facebook, delete you account, I did and it helped a lot with these feelings.

Generally the people who are on there and putting up photos and stuff are doing it because they are insecure themselves. If you are having such a great life then why spend hours on facebook telling everyone about it instead of just living life.

I don't have time for facebook anyway but I got a huge sense of satisfaction when I deleted my account a couple of years ago. It was my way of saying f*ck you I couldn't care less about what you are doing.

13-05-12, 11:59
Same as Angelheart, I took a Facebook holiday as I was sick of seeing how happy people were and I was feeling the way I do. I don't mind people being happy as long as I am too. Sounds terrible but it is my truth. Anxiety and depression change the way you see everything. Don't give yourself a hard time for for feeling like that. I hope things pick up for you. I wish I could take it away from you and everyone else.....including myself....but a least we can post how we feel and everyone who has tasted anxiety and depression can understand......:hugs: Steven

13-05-12, 12:43
Facebook is so destructive, honestly. I think if I had a Facebook account I could, at a push, make my life look pretty damn good from the outside. People go on there to gloat and exaggerate about how well they're doing. So everyone just gets sucked into the whole narcissism thing, and no good can come of that.

13-05-12, 12:48
Here's a tip for people, get off facebook, delete you account, I did and it helped a lot with these feelings.

Generally the people who are on there and putting up photos and stuff are doing it because they are insecure themselves. If you are having such a great life then why spend hours on facebook telling everyone about it instead of just living life.

I don't have time for facebook anyway but I got a huge sense of satisfaction when I deleted my account a couple of years ago. It was my way of saying f*ck you I couldn't care less about what you are doing.

Good advice, although I didn't go so far as to delete it, I got rid of all the 'friends' I couldn't give a toss about, or who do that 'look at my perfect life' thing. Now my facebook stream is a lot quieter, but a lot more interesting and less annoying. But deleting it might also be just as good an idea :) Believe it or not, we survived and had social lives before Facebook existed!

13-05-12, 14:52
Wow I came on and never expected so many replies. Thank you. Thing is with facebook is I'm too honest on there. I dont make out I'm having a fantastic time I actually let people know how down I am and have had some really good support on there. Also its made it easier for everyone I know to realise whats happening with me without having to go round everyone individually or explain myself to friends/mums at the school e.t.c as they now know that if I dont speak or lower my head e.t.c , they understand I'm not being unsocialble I'm just having a bad day.

I look back on my pictures from last year and see what a good time I was having and I hold hope that I can go back again and feel that way. I've got an inner ear balance disorder at the min, had it since last oct which has made my life pretty difficult and has caused most of my anxiety and depression, Ive had to live with balance issues, blurry eyes, fuzzy , heavy head which are actually quite similar to anxiety symptoms.

One day, I will get through this. I'm living my life as normal as possible and have not given up anything, work, gym e.t.c But my enthusisam and motavation has completely gone at the minute. Hope I can get it back soon. Thank you again :) xxx

13-05-12, 15:06
I have got down about this is the past but I have learnt things are not always as they seem. People that I have been jealous of and thought have everything - happy etc are not! It is all just a show and I agree Facebook is destructive - I think its a load of rubbish. I know people who have hundreds of 'facebook friends' in reality they don't ever see or speak to 10% of them. Try not to look at it - it just causes problems.

14-05-12, 18:29
I've got an inner ear balance disorder at the min, had it since last oct which has made my life pretty difficult and has caused most of my anxiety and depression, Ive had to live with balance issues, blurry eyes, fuzzy , heavy head which are actually quite similar to anxiety symptoms.

I was doing SO well last year, living almost like "normal", and then got a virus which affected my ears and caused vertigo. This tiggered the anxiety again, so it was back to square one, and I know how heartbreaking that is. Can I ask if you take any meds for this balance disorder? I've seen several doctors but my current surgery's useless and every time I go it's a total waste of time. They did say I have fluid in my ears though.
My relapse caused by the ear issue led me to research anxiety and inner ear links, and I found out about Harold Levinson who treats people with panic disorder with inner ear medication (anti motion sickness medication daily). No doctor will support me in this though. It makes me so frustrated. I have an illness and they are refusing to treat me basically.

15-05-12, 12:16
We all do this sometimes!! But I don't think you can ever judge other people's lives from the outside. Some people look like they have a perfect house, marriage, kids, life from the outside, but they have all kinds of problems inside, and are really unhappy beneath the surface.

Here's something that works for me: focus outside yourself. Find someone who needs you, who is unhappy, and cheer their day with a few kind words. It might be the person on Facebook who says 'Jeez, stressful day!' or it might be an old friend you haven't been in touch with for a while. It might even be a random person asking for advice on the internet. Focus on their unhappiness, and try your hardest to put yourself in their shoes and to build empathy and compassion for them. It's like training your heart to be open to others. Filling your heart with kindness wipes out the feelings of bitterness and jealousy and makes us realize that we are not alone. It even sometimes gives that perspective we all need on our own thoughts and feelings, to make us grateful for the positive things we do have, and to accept and work with the negatives.