View Full Version : New

13-05-12, 14:57
Hi I have been visiting this site for a few months now and finally feel confident enough to introduce myself. I have anxiety on and off for the last 5 years (since I was 17). At the beginning of this year I had my worst anxiety attacks ever and since then have had both anxiety and minor depression on most days. It doesn't stop me doing things but it's always there in my mind and the pit of my stomach. I find it so hard to open up to people so never really do and pretty much no one knows how I have been feeling.
When I try and find the source of my issues I think it all started when I had a termination after an unplanned pregnancy at 16. I was in a very unhealthy relationship and there was no way I could cope with a baby, being very immature and with no stability. Looking back I didn't address my feelings at the time and tried to carry on normally and forget what happened and think that this has cause me to have issues as I never came to terms with what happened. I definitely have feelings of guilt and regret and especially shame and therefore do not talk to anyone about how I feel. I have friends who had terminations and they can talk so openly about it I wonder why I feel so emotional about it all still.
I know some people will judge me but I hope by opening up on here I might find some sort of closure and therefore be able to address my anxiety head on. I have a very loving partner and a wonderful family but I don't feel happy and content within myself. I feel like I need to let go of the past so that I can move on with my future.
Sorry for the long post but thought I should try and give as much info as possible. I look forward to talking with other people on here and helping others with their own issues and problems.

13-05-12, 14:58
Hi Syd08

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-05-12, 16:45
Welcome to NMP. You should pop in the chatroom sometime, Lots of friendly people always there to chat and help. I find it so helpful. You sound like you need to speak to someone. If you need to talk you can always mail me. Keep your chin up. xx

13-05-12, 21:27
Hi cheekyhaylz :)
Thank you so much for your kind reply. I will definitely get posting in the chat room, I find it more intimidating than I thought I would but think you are definitely right that I need to talk to someone and get things off my mind. Seems like a good environment here when everyone can help each other xxx

14-05-12, 00:25
hey sweetz...big welcome, im new too.. im glad i joined, its first time i can speak open n freely about how i truely feel without anyone judging me etc... only met lovely ppl who want to help here, ppl that DO understand xxx :hugs: xxx