View Full Version : Feeling so anxious at the moment.

13-05-12, 19:36
Hi everyone.

Just need to sound off, I'm having a rough few days. I'm anxious and jittery and it's making me breath funny. I'm used to these feelings but I just hate it when it happens and sometimes need to just talk to someone.
I just got back from Malta on Friday. The holiday was brilliant, weather gorgeous and we all came back with lovely sun tans and lots of stories to tell and photo's to share.
So I should be happy right? It started on the day of our return. I came down with a terrible sore throat and had an agonising painful flight with my right ear. I know this anxiety could be due to drinking too much alcohol while I was on holiday. Although I didn't get drunk I did drink every single day and I have had a drink since coming home. So I have drank for 8 days solid. Today I am not drinking and probably won't until next weekend.
I feel light headed and have a cold from Malta, which is making me think the worst, that I have caught something sinister from Malta. I also have terrible diaorreah.
I also feel overweight. I probably am for my size and height ect but it's not to much I don't think. I just used to have quite a flat stomach despite having two kids, a high metabolism and quite athletic. Since starting quetiapine I really piled on the pounds, on all my holiday photo's It's obvious and people have been commenting on it. Then I have lots of self harm scars on my arms, it took me 3 days into my holiday to brave wearing a summer vest, despite the temp being in the 30's. You can also see all these marks on the pics.
I stopped taking the quetiapine and I have stopped putting on weight but I have got myself into such a rut now that I have stopped exersicing and not changed my diet. I hold a black belt in karate and was so keen and good at it, I haven't trained for a good 8 months or more and often think about going back, when I do I panic and I'm so anxious about going back.
So guys I'm just feeling a little miserable and anxious and down in the dumps and just needed a vent out! Thanks for listening to me, some reasurring advice would greatly be appreciated.

Kez xx

13-05-12, 19:52
You should feel better in a couple of days, the mild alcohol withdrawal, plus picking up a bug must have increased your anxiety symptoms.
Try and sleep through it, if you can stop running to the toilet too often,

Why not try and do some exercise at home.
I started going to the Gym and found that my anxiety increased, so I invested in an exercise bike from Amazon, it was £78 and it is fab. I use it for about 30 minutes every day, I have found that vigorous exercise makes me a bit panicky, so I now go at a leasurely pace and I am OK. It has a timer/calorie/speed display, it is manual and folds away.
Anyway, that's my suggestion.
Take care and I hope you feel better soon.:D

13-05-12, 20:11
Thanks Bobby. I actually used to thrive on exercise, so this is very unusual for me. I used to cycle 30 mins to karate, train for an hour and cycle 30 mins home. I used to cycle every where else I went and played squash once or twice a week. My sister has a cross trainer I may start using that.

13-05-12, 20:41
Sounds like a great way to get yourself back into exercise, when you feel like it, at your own pace!

13-05-12, 21:23

Aww honey - I totally get where you're coming from. When you come back from holidays, it's always a bit of a daunting experience as you're getting back to reality.

Firstly, well done you! I think that it's absolutely brilliant that you managed to bear your arms with your scars, there's nothing to be ashamed of. It's all part of your character and if anything, I'd admire your courage!

I do think that the diarrhea and also the cold is probably due to the change in the weather, the drinking on holiday and just maybe a little bout of anxiety. Also, with your weight - why don't you go back to doing the things that you love at home with your kids? (if they're old enough of course!) start showing them some of those cool karate moves and I think it'll bring you back to a place that you once loved!

I hope you're okay. If you need anything else - giz a shout!

13-05-12, 21:37
Awww thanks. My tummy is soooo upset right now, I'm feeling so uncomfortable and it's making my anx worse. I've decided I'm going to pop along to my karate class tomoz night just to watch and ease myself in...I don't know why I'm so frightened of it!