View Full Version : Newbie!

13-05-12, 19:55
Hi all. I stumbled upon this site whilst trying to find out what has happened to Promazine, boy am I glad I did! After spending a couple of hours doing lots of reading on here I decided to join...here is my intro! I can't remember how many years I have suffered with GAD & depression, I think way back into my childhood. I'm 58 now, a long time then. I was a teacher until Sept 2004 when I could no longer face going into school. I had been on Prozac a couple of times, had 5mgs of diazepam I took when desperate, co-codamol 500/30 for my lumbar back pain, disc degeneration, pills for blood pressure, pills for cholesterol...but that morning I knew, just knew my panic attack was a massive one! My daughter took me to hospital. The next 4 yrs were hell. I drank too much, hardly went out, let myself go...well I'd been "let go" from my teaching job, I felt worthless. I was seeing a psychiatrist but even on the highest dose of prozac I wasn't really any better. Then I got a new psych. He prescribed promazine. I eventually felt a little calmer. Things stayed at this level until another new psych put me on 45mg Mirtazapine & upped my promazine. I was managing to get out sometimes when the back pain or shakes weren't too bad...even got tothe haidressers! A real biggy...what, me sitting waiting without running away! This carried on...better days, still bad days until 6 mnths ago when yet ANOTHER new psych saw me. She listened patiently whilst I went through my long history, plus the fact that I could no longer get hold of promazine & I wasn't sleeping (oh yes, I forgot the night terrors! worse thing ever...) She told me ther was a manufacturing problem...I nearly had a panic attack right there & then. She explained to me about a drug called Pregablin, which was used for pain & GAD. I was asked if I wanted to try it to replace the promazine & that she had found it worked well with some of her patients for GAD. I agreed. She started me on 50mgs twice a day for a week, then 100mgs twice a day for a week, then 150mgs maintainence til I saw her again with instruction to ring if I had any problems with them. I was a bit dizzy at first, constipated, but as someone who usually has the opposite trouble with IBS it was OK by me! Three months down the line...well, all I can say is thank God for Pregablin! I still have my moments, but I answer the phone unafraid of who it might be, go shopping with my daughter, as long as my escape route is planned, I even went to see a musical & didn't have to leave before the end!!! The only down side is as I'm no longer on promazine I do have terrible nightmares some nights...promazine seemed to lessen these. But, until I see her again I will carry on taking the dose of Pregablin. I am due at the pain clinic in 10 days. My psych said they might even up my pills by 150mgs. I think I've put some weight on but had been doing anyway because I stopped going to WW & going for walks due to my back, the sciatica has been really bad. I also have an appointment with psychiatric services for CBT. I feel that now I am ready for this. It isn't a miracle cure, like my depression I get bad days when I just go under the duvet, but after SO many yrs I'm not shaking for 24 hrs a day. Sorry if I've rambled, that's just me I'm afraid!!! Oh yes, I also have Menieres Disease, so dizziness with that can strike. My first Grandchild was due last Wednesday, I'm feeling better than I ever have, get the pain sorted...I reckon 2012 has been a good year for me! I'll go now...:roflmao:

13-05-12, 19:57
Hi annemargaret

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-05-12, 20:01
Sounds like you are really doing well and moving forwards with your life, well done.

14-05-12, 02:08
hi... thats the thing i love about this site, you CAN talk as much as u want bout your feelings etc.. n nobody judges you only supports, helps you .
good luck :hugs:

15-05-12, 22:56
Hi & :welcome:

Wow, that is some life story!! So glad to hear that you are finally getting somewhere and looking forward to the imminent birth of your grandchild. With all your experience I am sure you can help other sufferers here and there are some lovely members always ready to support and advise in times of distress. I do so hope this is 'your year'. Stay positive....

Wishing you all the best.
Kitti :)

16-05-12, 20:26
Hey, glad to hear you are feeling better than before, i have also just started taking pregablin and i am hoping for a good result. I have only been taking it a week at a lower dose as I dont cope well with medication, but so far so good ! :)