View Full Version : Well my slide back into HA didn't take long :(

13-05-12, 20:49
Well after posting last week about Tumor/MS worries and then getting some reassurance from a chiropractor about my symptoms (tingling, left arm/leg feeling odd, pressure in neck, muscle jerks) I managed to have a few days of feeling semi normal - but found myself slipping head long into HA again today!! Obviously the Tumor/ms concerns are still lingering but I'm now worrying about VCJD ...... !!!!! My symptoms have been ongoing for around 6 months (aches/tension more recently) ...... I am convinced I have an eye problem .... I don't know if it's just me over analysing and forcing my eyes to look to see if the is a problem but it's as if things justo don't look quite right almost slightly foggy and some distortion as if i just can't see things quite as sharp?! I googled and somehow ended up at CJD ...... Is this circle ever going to end .... I'm just absolutely convinced I'm not right!!!

13-05-12, 21:09
You know this already but you need to step away from the goggle. Really. The circle won't end while you continue to feed it. Crappy I know, but it is the way out.

13-05-12, 22:20
Hi there

Hope u get over this HA soon, it's awful isn't it had it for 10 years now on and off but this is my longest spell at the min I've had every illness going in my head since oct 2011, but u really need to stay away from google it just fuels anxiety and there's alot of rubbish info to

Jayne xx

14-05-12, 09:58
Hi Chris - I replied to a couple of your posts last week because I was in a very similar position..... well, snap - my HA went into overdrive yesterday and irrational me thinks I'm on borrowed time :wacko:..... despite being reassured by my doctor. I'm reading that back and it sounds crazy! I woke up on Thursday feeling dizzy, off balance and had such a fullness in my head that I thought it was going to explode. I never go to the doctor but I was so freaked by these symptoms that I was scared. Anyway, passed all those neuro tests they make you do (I never understand what they can tell from those!!) and apart from having tenseness in my right shoulder/neck she wasn't concerned. No neuro nasties (was worried about my optic nerve as had alot of pain in my right eye)! However, she thinks because I have alot of popping/crackling in my ears that I have some inner ear issues (blockage/fluid) that is making my head feel this way (that would explain the dizziness)! Ok -you'd think I'd be reassured by that and for a few days I was but yesterday was a bad day. I had the headache from hell, I was dizzy, my right leg felt weak and I struggled to walk on it - I honestly thought I was about to have a stroke or something! Today is a bit better but my head is foggy, vision is 'off' and everything around me seems unreal - I hate it! Try not to Google - I did that a few weeks ago and went into anxiety meltdown. I haven't done it since and I never will again. Sorry for the long post but just wanted to say I know how you feel - you are definitely not alone! xx