View Full Version : I have an ear infection, or is it something more?

13-05-12, 21:50
Okay, so heres my latest worry..

For a while now iv been really dizzy and off balance, along with head zaps, loss of concentration, brain fog and god knows what else.
Then one morning i woke up extremely disoriantated and very dizzy and off balance with my face swollen on one side with extreme pressure around my ear, so of course i went to the doctor and he said my ear canal was swollen and i needed to use ear drops and anti biotics to clear it up, anyway iv been noticing that im getting alot of bad headaches and something really scary has happened twice now, first time i was leanin on my arm on my sofa which was putting abit of pressure on my temple (the side of my ear infection) and i suddenly went major dizzy, i couldnt lift up my head, or hardly move.. all i cud do was reach for my fone to call my husband, it rely felt like i was going to pass out just from puttin abit of pressure on that side???
Can ear infection do that? Then the next day i started feelin abit better with my head, and it wasnt bothering me to much (the headaches and dizzyness) ... then all of a sudden today, i was on the phone massaging my forehead again puttin a lil pressure but nothing drastic, and then it happened again, i couldnt lift my head and my vision went awful and i cudnt talk for a couple of seconds as i felt i wud pass out again.. it isnt jus the normal lil dizzy spells we all get, its proper awful and its only when i put pressure on my head and around my temple..
So anyway, my question is, do u think this jus the ear infection with my anxiety and depression, or do u think it cud be something rather serious like a brain tumour or something?
Ill go to my doctors tomorrow anyway and speak to him, but id like to know what other ppl think cuz its worrying me :'( Thanks all x

14-05-12, 07:13
Hi anxious - i've had exactly the same thing lately which resulted in making an emergency doctor appt last thursday. Woke up feeling really dizzy that I couldn't walk or focus properly. Had headache, face & ear pressure. My HA has been good lately (I've got over most of it) but I convinced myself I was having an aneurysm of start of a tumour. Anyway, passed all those little neuro tests they make you do & there is no sign of any infections. Because I have alot of crackling & popping in my ear she thinks I have an inner ear blockage which is causing the dizziness & put me on pills for vertigo. I left feeling quite positive but a few days later I still feel like something is wrong. Still dizzy on/off & yesterday was the day from he'll. My right side felt weird, my head hurt like hell & it felt like something awful was going to happen (like a stroke or something). Today I've woken up with a headache, sore neck, off balance & just feel like crap. Had awful earache during the night too. I'm fed up! How long does this go on for :wacko: - my sanity is stretched! Sorry to rant but just wanted to prove you are not alone! Big hugs. X