View Full Version : Someone help me

08-07-06, 15:57
I everyone, ive been pretty run down since monday of last week, got mouth ulcers, sore throat, ear aches and blocked nose with heavy head, plus my anxiety symptoms and because im not well my anxiety is sky high. Does this sound like flu or cold symptoms? because im thinking this is the start of cancer a tumour etc or that im gonna collpase and get rushed to A & E. I wish i could just relax but i cant im really scared. Just want someone to spare me time to chat x

08-07-06, 16:21
Hi Katy

Do you suffer from hayfever atall? Could be a bit of that with a summer cold.

Tumours and cancers don't start with those symptoms so try not to worry. You won't collapse.

Try to get some cold remedies and make sure you drink lots of fluids and eat something regularly.

Hope you feel better soon.


08-07-06, 16:29
Hi Katy, am sorry you feel so rough right now. I think the summer colds are the worse and seem to hang on a little longer? As has been said, get some cold remedies, they will help, spoil yourself by relaxing and maybe reading or watching a dvd? drink plenty, as Nic said, and if at all possible eat a little something every now and then, maybe some soup?? None of your symtpoms relate to a tumour of any sort, and you will not be rushed to A & E. Try not to let your symptoms scare you, you have done so well lately and are just a little run down, take time to relax and recover xxx

08-07-06, 16:37
yea ive got bad heyfever, i know this is whats making it worse its just horrible to have to spend ur weekend in bed when uve worked hard all weekend i just wanna go out and chill but if i do walk out my door im scared i wont return how stupid is that, pls dont laugh its just the way my mind is playing x

08-07-06, 16:55
Ah Katy, no-one would laugh at you. We all feel the same at times, and when we are under the weather our anxiety gets so much worse. Have you got any tablets you may be able to take for your hayfever? Our minds are very naughty at times mate!!!!!!!

08-07-06, 16:57

Hi, sorry you are feeling so bad. If you do have hayfever it might be better if you do stay indoors! No-one here will laugh at you either. I know that when you don't feel well anxiety is much worse so be easy on yourself. I hpe you feel better soon.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

08-07-06, 17:12
thanks everyone for ur help xx

april tones
08-07-06, 17:26
Hi katie

you sound like you got cold, i had one similar a while ago, it was awful, my ears killed! my head hurt for weeks when i moved my hesd, think it was sinuses also
try olbas oil, its the best, i needed nothing else but it took its time, it does make you feel pnaicky being bunged up tho
dont wrry! think u can have olbas oil with meds, just check or ask meg

loe april xxx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

08-07-06, 18:29
hi katie i think anxiety does make our immune systems a little low sometimes,as i have suffered from coldsores since having anxiety, and never had them before!!!take care hope you,ll feel better soon!try and get a bit more sleep as i find if you are tierd ulcers etc. flare up too.rachelx x x

emma chant
08-07-06, 18:34
Hi Katy,
Hope your hay fever is better.
I no how you feel i get hay fever alot.

e chant

08-07-06, 20:03
It does actually sound like some sought of allergy like hayfever. If there is any itchiness in your ears its definately an allergy or it could be your sinuses as they can effect your ears. Does your forehead feel heavy. Please dont worry if its either there is nothing to worry about.
Worrying will only make it worse.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything