View Full Version : Finding it hard.

14-05-12, 04:36
Hey, thougt I would write on here. I'm feeling quite low :( just wish I didn't have this anxiety/panick no more, I feel I'm losing my friends as I started to get to nervous to go out with them. It's so odd I just feel embarrassed with the thought of going funny in there company. My two best friends do understand I have this problem but it has got a lot worse. I use to be fine going out with them but last time I went out I needed to go toilet all the time as a
Anxiety/panic symptom and I don't want that happening again. I actually have panic attacks at the thought of going out now. I have been to the doctors which he started me on a CBT course with I done one session and now feel far to panicky to go back again :-/ just seems to be gradually overtaking my life day by day. I do the breathing exercise each day which don't find helps. I know I'm
Panicking over nothing but yet it's still there. I just can't cope with the thought of it overtaking me.

Sorry for the long essay, felt I needed to get it off my chest.

Princess Tiffany
14-05-12, 07:07
I'm sure nearly all of us on here now exactly what your going through. It's not easy to break the cycle and stop anxiety taking over. But you must not let it beat you (its so easy to say that to Someone else) tell your friends how it makes you feel when your out and I'm sure they will help you, perhaps by coming to your place first then going out for short periods and building it up. It's important to stick with the CBT, a lot of us are still on waiting lists for ours :( try taking a friend or a family member. Someone who is familiar and supportive. Just remember you are not on your own and you will find lots of friends here. Can I just ask it you currently use any techniques when your panicked? X

14-05-12, 14:39
Thanks for replying. I just do the breathing technique and tell myself there's nothing to worry about, it just don't seem to work and sometimes get me more panicky. I know my friend would understand I suppose I would feel guilty if I did have one in front of them. Yeah I'm thinking of taking my mum to the next CBT one but not sure I she would be allowed :-/

14-05-12, 18:25
im waiting on a cbt course from home. If you mentioned this to the people running the place or the doctor im sure they will help. Im not sure how good its going to be but I will keep you updated when I hear back from them. Ive been waiting over a month now......