View Full Version : maths gcse re take next month

14-05-12, 07:01
Everything rests on my passing it, my anxieties levels are sky high.
ive been revising loads but still worrying :( I'm scared of failure

macc noodle
14-05-12, 07:19
If you have worked hard and practised then you have done your best and all you can do - now you need to keep calm and your head clear.

I am sure you will be fine.

14-05-12, 12:41

Aww - I'm sorry to hear that you're worried about your exams, let me tell you, being nervous about exams is a TOTALLY rational feeling.

All you can do is just focus, try and keep your mind on what you remember and be sure to take regular breaks whilst revising as you don't want to overload your brain (as much as this would seem helpful) you need to remember exactly what you've learnt.

I think you'll do fine, and for that fact I'll send you a hug and lots of good luck!

:hugs: GOOD LUCK!

14-05-12, 15:12
bless you I remember being really worried about my GCSE'S. I thought the world would end if I failed but what would really happen? what actually rests on your getting through this exam? you've got your whole life ahead of you and so many options in life not all dependant on you getting a certain grade.
eat well :lots of water, oily fish x 2 weekly just a good healthy diet then chamomile tea is really calming I find. Try rescue remedy for the time of the exam that might help
Lots of best wishes