View Full Version : Positive stories v. negative stories

14-05-12, 07:55
Hi everyone

Do you think that the reason that there are not many positive stories is just a symptom of what this forum gives us? After all, I guess that most of us joined the forum to talk to other people that suffer the same and to feel less alone and to find someone that understands. So inevitably, it will be full of "I feel bad, is it just me?" types of threads.

when I am in the 'bad zone' I find the good stories just make me feel alienated and I don't resonate with them so in many ways they can make me feel worse. A bit like the threads on here that talk about looking at happy people in the sunshine.

I find that when I try to read them, my eyes just gloss over the good bit and I only focus on the horrid back story. I can only think that this is a symptom of the illness. :weep:

I think that my anxiety can make me insular and a bit selfish I suppose - in that, when I do have good days and feel all right, I don't want to think about the bad stuff and, infact, I almost forget about it until I come crashing down again.

However, I totally get the point about sharing the ups - so I will make an effort to post on my good days too.

I have a had a mixed weekend -a good saturday and a bad sunday, so later on, I will post about what I did on saturday!


14-05-12, 12:38

I too feel a bit isolated when I read success stories, but then in a strange way also feel comfort that I'm not the only one suffering from these problems. I wish sometimes I'll be able to face my issues the same way as the successors have done!

I do feel that it's a good idea for people to start posting success stories as it allows us some good times that we can all look into and reference from.

I'll be waiting for your Saturday post!

14-05-12, 14:51
I was having a really really tough time, my anxiety was attacking me every minute! Couldn't move, couldn't walk about, kept checking my pulse until the doctor come see me, had A &E visits and i just had enough and wanted to give up.

I started to forget the good moments of the day and only remember the bad! So I started a diary and it turned out I actually had more good days then bad. In my head i didn't beleive this but I actually had more good days. So I liked reading the positives on a good day but when I'm anxious I most certainly always look and the negatives. But it doesn't help and only really fuels my anxiety. This is wear I turn to the diary and look at the positives in my own life and this tends to calm me down.

I think it depends on the stage of you anxiety and There day which decides what people tend to look at on NMP xxxxx

14-05-12, 16:15

I get a really good feeling out of helping other people, doing my blog and doing nice things for others. I really enjoy writing and voicing my opinion on how I really feel in a creative, positive way. It really allows me to focus on what needs to be done in the world and what steps I can take to get better, it also allows other people to focus on what really matters and hopefully shifts their anxiety down a notch, thus causing happiness and relief, which is something I do admire about myself.

14-05-12, 16:26
@MORAG - I really like that idea. That sounds brilliant. Perhaps you could post that as a general posting to share the idea with others. I am going to start that too. thanks.x:yesyes:

14-05-12, 17:26
Its definitely a symptom of anxiety to remember the bad and negative things rather than any positives. However I have been making a real effort lately to focus on the good things that happen in my day and it does make a difference.

You have to retrain the mind, its hard work and it will take a lot of time to do but its possible.

14-05-12, 19:13
I think if I had a success story, I would not post it on NMP because I may feel as though I was rubbing people's noses in it.
Also, there are probably lots more members who have overcome their problems and drifted away, perhaps scared that taking part may bring their symptoms back.
That is how I would feel.
I totally agree with BeckyBooboo, I get the greatest satisfaction from helping others, being kind and considerate costs nothing and I love the diary thing, am going to start one myself.:hugs:

14-05-12, 19:26
Also, there are probably lots more members who have overcome their problems and drifted away............................:hugs:

As a former NMP 'daily' member now just 'occassional' as I've overcome lots of issues, I think this hits the nail on the head that lots of people who don't find they 'need' the forum/chat in quite such an intense way then move on and drift away and perhaps forget to post or tell of their success.
I love to come into chat to see old and new folk and can relate to many peoples issues however I am no longer in that dark desperate place I once was. Its lovely to feel apart of this wonderful family though and also accepted that its ok to still be very much a part of NMP and not alienated as i'm now able to encourage and upbuild others xxxx :winks:

14-05-12, 19:39
Also with the diary, make sure you vent out when your having a bad day and say what you actually feel and think, cause on a good/better day you read it back and well I thought to myself wow is that what goes through my mind, and please when reading it don't think your crazy just well I laughed it of and thought that cant possibly be me?

But also don't hold back on anything positive. No matter how small!!!!! It makes a massive difference. Well it is to me. And I hope it work for use, and calms down your anxiety. And hopefully make you see it really is all just anxiety.

Well aslong as your doc has said its anxiety :-) x