View Full Version : Trying to think rationally.

14-05-12, 10:04
My problems started over a month ago with a lump on my belly which the doctors said was an abscess and of course i didnt believe. I still have the lump but it's gone down alot. I started worrying about it and then i was waking up early and couldnt get back to sleep, butterflies, headaches, aching, stomach pains, backache, nausea after eating etc etc. I keep thinking that there is something seriously wrong with me and worrying that the symptoms were associated with this lump. You know how it is i was thinking all these other symptoms are because it's spread. I don't seem to be as worried but i still feel awful, i just had breakfast and then felt sick after it. I am trying to think rationally and not go to my doctors but when i get a symptom i think there is something wrong. I dont know whether to go or not. I was going to ask if he will do my bloods to see if that would reassure me but is that fuelling my HA? I can never seem to connect that i worry about something and then develop symptoms and they are with anxiety and not some sinister illness. Because i don't feel as anxious i think i shouldn't have symptoms anymore and because i still do feel ill i think there is something wrong. It's a vicious circle.

14-05-12, 10:22
Hi Zippy

Pleased to hear the lump is finally going down, it has taken its time which must have been worrying for you.

Think you have answered your own question re your symptoms and HA.

TBH would blood tests really re-assure you or would they just fuel your HA further.

Rather than blood tests perhaps requesting a referral for CBT might help more on a long-term basis.

Good luck


miss sparkle
14-05-12, 11:01
Hi zippy.
Sorry your feeling rough with it all, struggling myself atm with things.
I find with myself, i worry about something so much, it takes over my mind completely for the time i have that symptom, probably making things drag on much longer that they would.
Then if something improves or gets checked out, i then have another symptom that i think is connected to the first. eventually i have convinced myself i have tumors growing all over.
With me, i had a breast lump, that got checked at clinic, so was ok, but now my pain under rib is same side, so in my head i have breast cancer that has spread to my lives-ribs.
I struggle to work out if my fears are justified or i am just being ridiculous.
Its such a circle.

14-05-12, 21:00
Also does anyone else ever feel achey as if your coming down with flu and you feel like you can't get warm?

miss sparkle
15-05-12, 08:17
All the time.
I am not sure if its because i am so tense or what, but have felt flu aches without cold or anything for weeks now on and off x

15-05-12, 09:01
Thanks miss sparkle. I can't cope feeling like this and thinking something serious is wrong. I feel like every part of me is aching and parts of my body are stiff. I am constantly shattered and feel angry and i haven't any patience with my children. I have tried to put off going to my gp for a few weeks but i think i am going to have to go. I might ask him to do my bloods.