View Full Version : HA flair up with life stress

14-05-12, 11:16
Hi hope our all well:)
Wondered if you all seem to suffer more with ha or have a bad flair up if your going through a stressful, non health related, stress?
I've had a rotten time since Friday after finding out a puppy I sold had lungworms then having to contact all the other buyers and get my own dogs treated. I was in such a state of guilt and completely stressed out ... Trouble is I started really bad with the ha.. I've had a pain near right kidney or at least 2 years which I'm sure is muscular but of course over e weekend it went from a ache to a pain and a heavy feeling in back/ abdo = liver or kidney problems in my head grrrrrrrrrr:scared15:...
I'm lots better this am but still keep pulling my back muscles into funny positions to "find" said pain.

Damn ha just want bloody rid!!

Kate x

14-05-12, 12:44
Yep, mine does that too. I try to remind myself that I am just feeling anxious because I am going through stress, and it will pass. It's difficult, but sometimes it helps me get through it.

14-05-12, 12:51
Def....when the kids are driving me up the Walls my Anx gets bad big time...when I'm telling them off I can feel myself starting to spin...it's def related....x

14-05-12, 19:36
yes! my health anxiety started playing up really bad lately when i was under stress. i was worried about someone in my life and basically been sitting by the phone to hear from them etc, and then my health anxiety got really bad, all the little things i'd been able to put to the back of my mind before suddenly started freaking me out, then i started experiencing anxiety symptoms, freaking out about that thinking its more than just an anxiety symptom etc. a calm and relaxed person can think more clearly/rational, so it seems the opposite is true. Xx

15-05-12, 18:04
Yes mine does that too. This month especially because its the lead up to the 4 year anniversary of losing my mum. Its worth pointing out though, that your experience WAS health anxiety related, and not unrelated stress, because you said you found one of your puppy's were ill, and you had to treat your own too. So your HA was likely triggered by the puppy incidents, realising that poor health is somewhat unpredictable, which would naturally make you feel insecure about your own health? Do you get what I mean? I mean, I dont know this for sure as Ive not spoken to you, but theoretically, using the logic of CBT, your health flare up is likely to be psychologically induced by the trauma of the puppies? Only you can know that answer, but I would highly suggest you try CBT to see if your HA flare-ups are just the result of hitting emotional triggers, and not so much about your kidneys? Just an idea? Think about it, panic doesnt often come from calm situations? theres usually something that peaks your anxiety that sets the ball rolling? If you can learn to recognise when these triggers are hit, you can learn to control health anxiety.

15-05-12, 18:44
i've also noticed my HA gets so much worse around time of the month too. afterwards i sometimes think 'why was i worried about THAT?' but just before i'm due i freak out like mad lol Xx