View Full Version : Working And Having Anxiety?

08-07-06, 19:00
I had been out of work for a year with anxiety and it did me no favours what so ever, it made me worse having all that time on my hands just sitting around the house thinking silly thoughts.

So about 6 weeks ago I went and got a job, while I've found it does help take my mind of things and when I have a good day at work I feel excellent when I come home, almost like I don't have any anxiety.

The down side of working is I take things to seriously, If the boss is in a mood like most bosses can be and has a go at me over something stupid I have to fight to hold back the tears, most people just brush it off, but me It gets me down for days and makes my anxiety worse, is anyone else like this?? I have found I am far to emotional and even the silliest things get me down for days

08-07-06, 19:21
hi davey,

i think this personality trait is present in alot of anxious people, infact i'd go so far as to say we are sensitive in the extreme. but i think you can deal with that in the way that you obviously are already doing which is knowing that alot of what people say although upsetting and hurtful is not personal and they treat EVERYONE the same way. other people i've found have much less sesitivity, but i don't think this part of you is a bad thing.

are you saddened by stuff that happens in the world as well? i am - and i would'nt change that for the world, as far as i'm concerned that is the plus side of sensitivity - it's called EMPATHY and HUMILITY and i would'nt trade those to have a thicker skin!! people with these traits change things and contribute because they CARE.

oh also by the way you've only been working for 6 weeks, you really need to give yourself alot longer to find your feet again, lighten up on yourself - you are doing great - be your own best friend, you would'nt be so harsh on a friend so why are you beating yourself up?

all the best emmas

08-07-06, 19:38
Thanks for that emmas, Yes what goes onin the world does sadden me also, I just wish I wasn't so sensitive over silliest things. I know i've only been there 6 weeks and do need time to find mt feet but I think at the back of my mind is that because the boss has a go at me I think about getting the sack, and then back to sitting in the house again and the horrible time I had while at home unemployed. Then theres the problem with trying to hard at work as I don't want to get the sack, and I try so hard that I actually end up making more mistakes and then the boss starts again. Its a vicious circle

08-07-06, 19:52
I am really sorry you feel like this. Most people with panic attacks are very sensitive and caring and thats our problem. We care to much what people think and most of the time we do nothing wrong to justify peoples anger so dont worry. You are probally looking to much into it. Hold your head up high and be proud of yourself for making yourself go back to work that took alot of guts.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

polly daydream
08-07-06, 20:13
Well done Davey, you are very brave to get a job after such a long time, it takes real guts for someone with bad anxiety to get a job, I hope to do the same very soon.

There is nothing wrong with being a sensitive person it shows what kind of person you are. Try not to imagine that your boss is thinking the worst of you all of the time, I'm sure he isn't, he is just doing his job and one of his jobs is to correct you so you don't make the same mistake again. I'm sure you are doing a great job.

Well done again mate,

Polly x

09-07-06, 12:51
Well done davey. I'm so pleased for youx

Take Care



09-07-06, 20:51
Davey, You have shown a great deal of strenght by getting a job. [^] Try not to let what other people say or do effect you so much. Good luck and take care.

Twila :)

09-07-06, 21:13
Hi Davey,

I have recently been in trouble at work because i got worked up in a meeting with my supervisor and boss. I asked for the meeting to be stopped, they said no.

After the meeting, I had a panic attack, I reported it to HR, because i thought thqt was uncalled for.. HR then said its tough basically and that you are not entitled to stop a meeting if there is more than one person in there with you. I was so angry, He said you cant use your anixiety for everything!

These people need classes in understanding!

Jenny Fenner

10-07-06, 04:02
Youve done well Davey.
I did the same after 5 yrs off cause the walls were closing in and just making me worse.
I'm the same as you If the boss looks at me sideways I think he's gonna replace me when in truth I'm good at my job (real estate sales)
I think we've just gotta have something to worry about

Don't believe everything you think.

11-07-06, 20:27
Hi daveyboywales

I found your post and other people's responses really touching, I'm glad you have found yourself a new job. I know what you mean about you boss, I hate it if my boss is in a bad mood because you do wonder if its something you have done. Problem with my boss is he is a moody bugger most of the time and when he is in a bad mood is puts everyone in the office on edge. The staff morale is generally quite low, including mine! I am desperately looking for a new job but am not sure what job I really want to do!