View Full Version : Self Testing!

14-05-12, 13:04
Do any of you ever put yourself through vigorous self test? I do :emot-shakehead:! Why? Because when I'm going through an MS/ALS scare I figure if I can't run up and down the stairs, squat, hop around or do certain co-ordination tests then something must be wrong - if I can then surely I'm in the clear.
Same for when I'm going through my BT scare - like now. I find myself doing crosswords or challenging my brain to work things out so that I know it's still functional! This morning I forgot all my computer log-in passwords and I've been using them everday for years then I forgot my phone number :wacko:! I feel really stupid today - that along with all the head symptoms I have..... well, I've put 2+2 together and got 5!!! Now that definitely isn't right :whistles:! HA makes you do funny things! xx

14-05-12, 13:26
It certainly does. When Ive had concerns about my heart Ive felt the need to put it to the test and run around to see what it does. Now that phase is over Im convinced I have a brain tumour because of the pressure in one eye....Ive been doing eye tests all morning lol....its a crazy crazy world xx