View Full Version : Flying & taking medication anxiety

14-05-12, 16:44

I have had a fear of flying for years and flew last year for the first time with my partner & our now 3 year old daughter. They both love it, i HA#te it. I cant eat, i walked off the plane and the minute we get to the end of the run way i panic and start undoing my seat belt wanting to get off the thing!!!!
Anyway, i take Fluexotine (Prozac) for depression, emetophobia & anxiety. I had awful side effects when i first started taking them, insomnia, palpatations, worsened anxiety, couldnt sit still for 5 mins, nausea (which was awful when u have a sick phobia :( ) I am so worried about getting some medication to help with my fear of flying. I go to Greece on Saturday with my partner, daughter & our friends. I have been told the doctors give u Valium but i am soooooo worried about getting horrible side effects 35,000ft in the air!!!!
Has anyone taken these & did u get ANY horrible side effect? Im worried about it reacting with my prozac? Also is it really bad to have a little drink if you tale the Valium too??

Please help, ,any advice would be amazing!!

Thank you

14-05-12, 17:23
Hi diazepam will be great for you, it will calm u down and not interact with your prozac at all, ive never had any side effects when ive used it and you'll be fine to have a little drink with it but it may make u more drowsy! Have a fab time x x

eternally optimistic
14-05-12, 17:51

I am hoping to go down the valium route, not that I like meds but, if I have any chance whatsoever of doing the plane thing, this will be my only hope.

I havent flown for 6 years and this is the year i have set myself up for it to happen.

I wish you well and hope the meds have a great effect.

HAPPY HOLIDAY - the sun will do you good.

Post again with how you get on with the doctor and more importantly, how the holiday went.

best wishes

14-05-12, 19:02
I think under the circumstances your doctor may prescribe you Diazepam, you should not have any negative side effects, they just make you feel calm.

15-05-12, 17:08
Thanks for your replies! Im going to go to the doctor on Thursday so i have some incase i really need them :)

16-05-12, 00:35
I hate flying too, but decided to go to New Zealand! Doh! Was prescribed Diazepam. found it worked better some times than it did others but it definitely helped! It says not to drink when taking it, but I did have a drink on one flight. Got through 2 sips of beer, and that combined with the diazepam knocked me out for the whole flight!!! WOW! It was not a restful sleep at all, kind of like a passed out sleep waking up feeling hungover (on 2 sips of beer lol) but it got me there and back!

Best of luck x

16-05-12, 07:47
Nice post and information .
I like it and increase my general knowledge on this topic .
I appreciate this type of information which guide us and solve our problem in our life .
Nice , valid , excellent and worth seeing post .

16-05-12, 12:07
I've flown many long distance flights and everytime I have no problem getting on the plane, during taxi is fine, takeoff is fine, but when i get way up high that is when i really get nervous. A friend just told me to drink all the in-flight booze but thats no solution! Might take up some of the advice here, thanks

16-05-12, 13:39
Oh man, I have to fly in about a month by myself. I am usually ok if I am with my fiance or a family member because they help me stay calm but this time it is just me alone on one of those little planes - scares the **** out of me!

I don't have valium or any anti-anxiety meds, just vistaril which makes me sleep but it's a short flight (bout an hour and a half) so I don't want to pass out totally. Also it will be 6 AM so a little too early for a rum and coke, haha. Any tips?

16-05-12, 16:04
I'm thinking of getting the valium just in case lol. We are travelling with friends and our children so im hopeing distraction and a couple of drinks will help me get on the plane !!! If i really feel panicky i will take the Valium as a last resort as we are off out to watch a football match when we land so id like to still be awake when i get there LOL

jenny kilden
16-05-12, 19:33
hi yummy mummy - please would you post and let me no how you get on with your flying / tablets.
i have anxiety - only for 6 weeks - and have been takin citrolpram for 5 weeks - starting to get better.
I'm going to mauritius the end of august - and I've never been afraid of flying - but now I'm anxious that i'll have a panic attack or anxiety - and its a 14 hour flight - was thinking of getting valium or something along those lines - just as a crutch incase i need it.
i hope your flight goes well - jenny

17-05-12, 09:46
The Diazepam will certainly help, I had one given to me whilst in A&E (again) having a massive panic attack....10 minutes and BAM, wow how great was that !! They calm and take away the horrible panicky stuff, just the ticket for a flight, I would think, although I can't fly at all....tried it and flipped....I respect you for going for it...