View Full Version : Depression as a disability

14-05-12, 17:30
I had a chat with my union rep today at work because I'm struggling and thinking about talking some time off just until my meds stabilise but I'm concerned about repercussions.
He told me that depression counts as a disability and there are certain guidlines my employer has to adhere to, they have to make reasonable adjustments such as allowing me to go in late as my meds make me super tired and it's hard to get up, this sounds great I now have to talk to my manager about it and if she doesn't take steps the union will get involved.
I'm torn as to whether I feel better or not at first I felt relief I've been dealing with this on my own for so long and now to know there should be help is a relief but at the same time I feel really anxious about having to talk to my manager about it, I don't want her to just think that I'm trying to get out of work, it's not supposed to count against me but these things always do don't they.
So new plan, call dr tomorrow to try and get an appt, research our guidance at work then speak to my manager.

15-05-12, 14:41
Right update on this, I have an appt with a Dr tomorrow morning.

I sent an email to my manager and told her i had spoken to a union rep and he suggested that i could be liable for disability adjustment leave i sent her the link and asked if we could discuss it, she then replied in a tone that i found very harsh (though i dont know if it was or if it's me being overly sensitive) but she said that i have to contact our counselling service then get a referal to our occupational health people, she then sent me a consent form for this referl and on it it says you must have discussed this referal with your manager which we have not whatso ever, then she says she's already done a referal and they'll contact me.

So now im like WHF! i only told you about this this morning but yet youve already refered me without my concent? without discussing it with me? I know it's best for me but i would like to actually talk to my manager who sits a few feet away from me and is an Ex nurse would you believe, i dont think much of her bedside manner.

Last time i had a breakdown i was under a different manager and i didn't take any time off and it was much better, you know why....? cos that manager used to come to me everyday and ask how i was, she would constantly say if you need to talk about anything work or otherwise im here, we would have weekly meetings where i could rant and cry and just generally let go, and i felt supported and cared for, now this manager wont even speak to me!

And now i have to call a stupid counselling serivce tonight and go through the whole story with them and i have to go see another dr tomorrow and go through it all then then i have to go to occupational health and go throughit all with them, is there anyone that doesn't want to know my pathetic life story!!!

I feel really angry now i thought my manager was going to be helpful i just wanted to discuss it to try and get the best outcome for me and the business but it feels like she's just gotten defensive because i went to a union rep.

This is horrible :weep: