View Full Version : my big secret... cant believe im actually gonna admit it.

15-05-12, 01:35
1.30am 15 may- hate nights sometimes, i have a problem, addiction is killing me, but yet i almost 7out 10 times give in to it, its started as me trying self medicate n mask feelings, also the doc put me on addictive medication years ago now im a addict.
im an addict, i too ashamed to go more into it. i started when family members died-no excuse- it helped i was numb floating on a cloud ..now my life is a mess, i am, so much regrets.
i cave in when things get too much... i wish i could sleep 4eva but thats not option i have responsibilitys. i may elabarate more on this another time but now im ashamed afreaid il be judged, its all getting to much, with this, my mental health, physical health ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

15-05-12, 04:33
OK you are an addict, you admitted it . Huge step. Wonderful start to getting help. Please give yourself permission to not be perfect .

15-05-12, 19:08
OK you are an addict, you admitted it . Huge step. Wonderful start to getting help. Please give yourself permission to not be perfect .
thankyou xxx

15-05-12, 21:41
I agree, admitting that must have been so hard, so be proud. Noone should judge as noone knows what's led you down this route and we've all made mistakes / done things we're not proud of. Are you getting any support with this? Xxx

15-05-12, 21:43
You are only human, no one said you have to be perfect, none of us are, we are all individuals.:hugs:

16-05-12, 01:11
thanks Lizzie29- thanks bobbydog- ppl usually have pre conceptions about ''addicts'', but you ppl shouldnt assume all r same etc, im so touched at responses, its only place ive ever been so honest bout it all, not just above but my mental health too.
yes i made wrong choices, took wrong paths, i have n still am paying price, but i am determined to be free of this prob [i know ur always meant be addict even when clean etc].
yes, i do get help with it, infact saw my worker/councellor today n also the specoalist doctor as i been a bit weak recently. thing is i know its making my mental health worse , anyway thanks, i feel better just getting it out, telling ppl, i was scared ppl wouldnt want talk t me or be friends etc [im nothin like some ppl would imagine].. so now ppl know here i know they my friend cos of me etc..
i dont go out or mix with anyone addict or non addict really, my life is my daughter, pets, mum, home. xxx thanks again xxx:hugs:

20-05-12, 14:46
I agree with Waunder. You've admitted it and that is the first step to recovery!

25-05-12, 00:32
thanks Lizzie29- thanks bobbydog- ppl usually have pre conceptions about ''addicts'', but you ppl shouldnt assume all r same etc, im so touched at responses, its only place ive ever been so honest bout it all, not just above but my mental health too.
yes i made wrong choices, took wrong paths, i have n still am paying price, but i am determined to be free of this prob [i know ur always meant be addict even when clean etc].
yes, i do get help with it, infact saw my worker/councellor today n also the specoalist doctor as i been a bit weak recently. thing is i know its making my mental health worse , anyway thanks, i feel better just getting it out, telling ppl, i was scared ppl wouldnt want talk t me or be friends etc [im nothin like some ppl would imagine].. so now ppl know here i know they my friend cos of me etc..
i dont go out or mix with anyone addict or non addict really, my life is my daughter, pets, mum, home. xxx thanks again xxx:hugs:

You really must try to stop being paranoid about what you 'Think' other people may think of you because this could possibly hold you back in your recovery. Just because you are an addict, doesn't make you a bad or unlikable person.

Give yourself alot of credit because you've not only admitted to having this problem but you already getting help for it.
