View Full Version : i can feel my anxiety coming back with avegence because of this lump :(

15-05-12, 09:03
Hi, I'm sure I'm not the only one this has happened to but here goes!

My anxiety seemed to subside for a good while even when i thought something was wrong I could tell myself it was nothing, but now iv found this lump in my neck about a cm and half behind my chin on the left hand side and it only moves very very slightly! It's not as squishy as a gland so I'm so scared It's something more sinister! My partner and mum keep saying Amy It's nothing just leave it, but i just can't settle! Wish I could be more like them!!

15-05-12, 09:18
Anxietyoverload that was my exact post a few weeks ago because of a lump on my belly that the docs said was an abscess. It still hasn't gone but it's gone down. I couldn't stop checking to see if it was getting smaller and convinced myself it was cancer even though i saw 3 different gp's who said it wasn't anything nasty. I started getting butterflies, waking up early in morning, feeling anxious etc and probably brought on all my anxiety symptoms over the last month. I feel awful now, aching all over, cant get warm, headaches, muscles feel sore, fatigue etc and now i am convinced i have cancer somewhere in my body and it's spreading. My mam and partner kept saying to me the lump is nothing and to leave it but us with HA just can't. I don't even feel that anxious and i feel awful which only fuels my HA into thinking there is something going on.

15-05-12, 09:23
I feel the same, why can't we just be as laid back as everyone else?? I refuse to go to my docs again! I'm not going to let the anxiety get the best of me again! I think i noticed this lump cause there is a spot/bite on my neck above it so maybe It's always been there? I no my partner would never want anything bad to happen to me so I'm just hopefully going to ride it out. I'm 21 and i HAVE my wholeife ahead of me, I'm sick of this getting in the way x

15-05-12, 09:32
Do you feel achey and sore all over too? What are your symptoms now? I think because the anxiety symptoms gradually sneak back over the weeks we think there must be something wrong. I can't seem to ever accept that i have brought all the other symptoms on myself with worry.

15-05-12, 09:58
I don't feel too bad, iv had a 3 day headache but I'm putting it down to stress! At the end of the day we all have a unless but It's not cancer It's anxiety, if you believe something enough the symptoms will follow :( xx

15-05-12, 10:33
I have an headache every day, backache, ibs, and generally feel tired and unwell. I wake up feeling like i have ran a marathon.

15-05-12, 16:21
I think yours is in the same place as where mine is at the minute. Its been there a couple of weeks, I have lots of others in my neck as well that just wont go. Im sure mine our just lymph nodes x

15-05-12, 19:06
I hope mine is too! When i put my finger on it, it moves with my throat a bit when i swallow. I'm just trying to think I'm 21 what's the chances It's something serious x