View Full Version : Newcomer very anxious long term HA sufferer

15-05-12, 12:44
Hello, I have been using this forum for over a year now to help with my health anxiety. I have had almost every symptom relating to anxiety and frequent m doctors or hospital weekly. These last few weeks things have spiraled out of control and I have felt the need to post.

I was wondering if anyone here has experienced dry eyes and mouth de to anxiety. I have been getting these symptoms or weeks now and up until yesterday I have been dismissed by hospital and my gp as been 'stressed'. It's only Neil I totally broke down after making three gp appointment in one day that I have now had extensive bloods done and await results on thurs. I'm do scared I will have some horrible disease as I have made he mistake of going my symptoms and now im unable to cope. the dry eyes and mouth is driving me crazy and I really need to know if this can be another horrible symptom of anxiety.

Please could anybody say something o me that will help me cope with this.

15-05-12, 12:49
hi i also get dry eyes and a bit of pressure behind them i thinks its all to do with our anxiety. my doc tod me to try eye drops and to to reax easy said than done.
have you thought about cbt. i have been reffered by my doc and have my first session in june.
its horrible ha i find it hard to cope and am currently under going test which im petrified of not so much the test its sef more the results :(
im sure your bloods will be fine ive had mine done loads of times all normal. my recent 1 was liver function which came bk normal. but i always find some other symptom to stress about x

15-05-12, 12:55
Thank you for your response, im scared because of the combination of my dry eyes and mouth, surely this can't just be anxiety? I'm so distressed I feel like this time my time is up as I've had hundreds of symptoms unfounded over the years. I have read about people with dry eyes or mouth but never both....

15-05-12, 13:07
have you been drinking extra fluids that may help you maybe a little dehydrated. maybe try some chewing gum to try and get the saliva going in your mouth. ive had a dry mouth last year for awhile i tried chewing gum and had a bottle of water to sip constant throughout the day maybe give that a try it seemd to hep with me x

15-05-12, 13:53
anxiety/stress depletes the body of water so dry mouth, dry eyes, dry skin etc are all common with it. try drinking more fluids and get some eye drops for your eyes if needs be Xx

16-05-12, 10:51
Thank you for your reply. I have had a urine test done to check if I'm dehydrated but I'm not. This I haven't slept properly for 3 days now as mouth and eyes dry out at night and I have to use mouth sprays and eye drops to rehydrate me.

My results are back tomorrow and I'm so convinced its something I curable and serious that I've told my family what to do with my children after I'm gone.

I want tomorrow to cone but the thoughts of what may happen is killing me.