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View Full Version : very anxious about my ultra sound tomo

15-05-12, 13:01
hi just wanted to post i dnt know why really. i have an utra sound tomo and im petrified not about the scan about the results.
im am really working myself up over it thinking all sorts what if its my liver or kidneys what if they find somethin not even thinking about my gallbladder which is what im goin for. and getting even more scared to the point i dnt even want to go and have it done. but ino i have to other wise i will be 10 times worse if i dnt.
and im sure im giving myself more symptoms my tummy feels like its in knots and keep getting pinching type pains just below my rib where my bowel is.
im really scared :weep:

15-05-12, 14:24
I was in your place about a week ago, for two ultrasounds. As it got closer I was pretty nervous. As you know the ultrasound is painless. What makes us nervous is the results. What I have been trying to tell myself is "Hey, lets get this over with and find out what is going on so I can get better and get back to my life." And keep busy. Find something you like to watch, read, play. I have a dog, and I love to walk her and hang out with her.

Hugs to you, as I know so well how you feel.

miss sparkle
15-05-12, 15:17
Hi again Julynn. You WILL be fine. I have read alot of posts about people who have pain like we have and have nothing at all wrong.
I hope that you get some reassurance whilst your there, and this time tomorrow you WILl know bit more what's going on. please let me know x

15-05-12, 21:33
Thankyou so much for your reply s sorry not got back sooner my little boys 4th birthday to day so has kept me busy most of the day apart from when I post this this afternoon my mind got a bit taken over.
That's what it is its the results I'm petrified of. Did everything go ok with your ultra sound miss boo x
I will let uno how I get on miss sparkle my apps late morning cnt drink anything but water and I love my morning brew lol x

15-05-12, 22:09
I had an ultrasound done on my gallbladder and like u was worrying bout liver , kidneys etc (which all turned out fine) , as have been getting pain on and off for at least 5 years, they did find something which my consultant say could either be a stone or a polyp....i've to get an op to get gallbladder removed . The ultrasound lady told me there and then that something had been found so went to my doctor and he pushed my appointment through as i hate waiting on results, im the worst, ive now to wait 2 mths before i see consultant again as he would like me to lose a stone, if it was really bad they will not keep you waiting that long well thats what my doctor told me.....it is a worrying time and understand how you feel, but in a way im glad that they have found out whats causing the pain, but you might be ok and find nothing...let us know how you get on and im here if you need a wee chat xx

16-05-12, 07:31
Thankyoy kittykat I'm really scared now not long till my app its 11.45 so I'm getting really nervous.
I am thinking allsorts :( I just want it over with now. Hopefully they won't find anything if they do just a stone or polyp I had a polyp removed from my bowel last year. I'm just scared they guna find something else I cnt get that out of my mind.
I'm just guna take a deep breath and get it over with I will let you all know how I get on
Thanx again for your replys its good to talk to ppl that know wot we going threw xxx

16-05-12, 11:01
Please try to be strong, everything will be fine. I had stomach pains all last year and by the time my gp agreed to send me for scan I had already convinced myself I was dying, I was so worked up the radiographer couldn't get me to lie down in one place and the staff had tohold me down.

It turned out to be nothing and strangely the pain didn't come back once I knew I was okay....

Chin up it will all be okay... Xxxx

16-05-12, 11:02
Good luck doll .....and just remember what you are thinking of is incredibly rare my doctor and consultant told me that....sure your on your way now so good luck again and im almost positive that it will be nothing terrible xx

16-05-12, 13:38

You will be fine today. And when it is over do something nice for yourself. Go have a great lunch or buy yourself something nice. You deserve it!:hugs:

16-05-12, 16:43
Thankyou so much for your kind replys I went was a nervous wreck the lady was really nice she said if she sees anything she will tell me and then might have to go for more test. I lay down having hot flushes felt sick aww it was horrible she said my liver and kidneys and pancreas is fine. :)
I have a gall stone phew least ino now wot is causing the pain have to go back and see my doc and take it from there on what to do nxt.
Thanx again you all helped me threw this :) xxx

16-05-12, 17:37
That's good to hear, hopefully you'll be able to control it with diet and tablets and avoid an operation ...knew it wouldnt be anything terrible xx

miss sparkle
16-05-12, 17:42
Ah i am so pleased for you!
Been checking all day to see how you had gotten on!
you must be so relieved :) x x

16-05-12, 20:21
Hi kittykat that's what I was thinking dntvreally want an option if I can help it.
Will see what my doctor says nxt week feels like a big weights been lifted but I don't think this is the end of my anxiety x
High miss sparkle tbankyou I didn't manage to get online til later on.
How are you are you still having the pain. Have you been for a ultra sound x

miss sparkle
17-05-12, 17:16
hiya. yes still having the pain. I have decided to wait until next week and then go back to the doctors, by then i will of had the pain for about 2 months, so i will demand a ultrasound.
Obviously i have been twice and they wasn't concerned or interested really, but think it is unfair to be in constant discomfort without them at least looking into it. Has your pain got better or worst since your appointment?x

17-05-12, 21:47
i agree miss sparkle go back and tell the doc you would like an ultra sound because your pain sounds so much like mine you may have a gallstone.
the pain is still there and is effecting my back now ive noticed it gets worse when i eat and have coffee. my anixety has eased a little now i know why i have the pain.but i doubt that will last long
its the not knowing thats makes it 10 time worse i think.
will see what the doc wants to do nxt week ive read that it can get worse the pain and once you have the pain from gallstones something should be done as its unlikely the pain will go.
hopefully she will give me some pain killers and something to get rid of the gallstone.
let me know how u get on as its not fair leaving you with pain without even sending you for an ultra sound. xx

miss sparkle
18-05-12, 10:32
thanks again for replying.
I am panicing like mad now. I am sure its getting worst, and is a steady full ache all day every day. Mine is also in my back, right through my ribs if that makes sense.
I am taking ibrophrophen throughout the day, but it never takes it off, just eases it bit.
Can i ask how old you are if you don't mind Julynn, i am 29 and my doctor said i wasn't it the right age group for gallblader things?
Tried to get in doctor today but booked up!
You will be fine, they have had a good look around and know what they are doing, yeah, i would keep on at them until you are sorted x

18-05-12, 10:42
no i dnt mind at all im 36. i read up on gall stones and they say there is no age range for gall stone you can get them any time women are more prone to getting them then men and even more if u have had children or had rapid weight loss which i did when i got poorly with my bowels. and i was on just over 7 stone before i lost half a stone. manage to put it bk on now tho.
yep thats what mine feels like right threw my ribs sometimes as if someones pressing there finger threw.i took ibruofen too but never takes it competely away.
aww please dnt panic you will be fine.
definatly get them to send you for utra sound will give you peace of mind too. xx

18-05-12, 13:59
I was mid 30's when my symptoms started , im now 40...im a yo yo dieter so tht could have affected me as well.....all your symptoms sound similar to mine my pain is mostly in my back at the moment , but i watch my diet , i find drinking de caffeinated stuff is the best as caffeine really affects me also watching fatty stuff like cheese , butter helps as well, was reading that the tablets are not always effective in treating the stone , their tricky wee things:( plus there's no gaurantee another won't replace it.....in a way im glad im getting mine out as i know i wont have to go through any of this pain again although i am dreading it as i have a fear of anaesthetic, dont know how i'll cope ........hope you all get better soon and miss sparkle just demand your ultrasound as you can't go on like this xx

miss sparkle
18-05-12, 14:55
Yes kitty Kat, i am defiantly going back on Monday and demanding a ultrasound. the thing that is worrying me is everything i have read on gall stones describes a sharp pain, where as mind is more like a long ache. I also know 2 people in have had them and they were bent over double and it came in waves , mine is constant. like you both i have liver and kidney fears.
Thanks for taking the time to reply :-) x

---------- Post added at 14:55 ---------- Previous post was at 14:53 ----------

oh and you will be fine having it out, the two people i know one of them had it out, and it was all done key hole, no problems what so ever x

18-05-12, 15:08
Miss Sparkle,

I was diagnosed with three gallsones when I was only 19 years old. So it can happen at any age. I had constant achey pains up my back that lasted for 8 hrs at a time. It was never sharp, just a constant horrible ache. I had an ultrasound then, they found the stones. I ended up losing 30 lbs instead of having surgery and then it didn't bother me again.

But I did finally have my gallbladder out at 26. I was petrified of the surgery and it was not even a blip compared to the gallbladder pain. It was outpatient surgery, I was home in a few hours, slept for a while. Took it easy for a few days and then I was out shopping at Target a week later.

18-05-12, 15:24
miss sparkle thats what i was petrified of that it might of been my liver or kidneys as i read that about horrible pain with gallstones. i was thinking that when the pain is horrid is when they are trying to pass threw.
the utlra sound lady said that whenever u eat or drink yr gallbadder contracts and that causes the stone to rub and can make the gallbadder inflamed causing pain x
kittikat and miss boo do you think they will want to take mine out i will be gad to get rid of this constant ache pain aso feels like when i was pregnant the babies foot was under my rib feels like that sometime too x

18-05-12, 15:53
That would really depend on your doctor. I know mine wanted to take it out. And I was thrilled once it was gone. My brother just had his out last year and he 44. He went right to the ER cause he was in the middle of an attack. They made him wait a day until they ran tests and then they did the surgery. He was up and around quicker than me, but then he is a beast. And he is absolutely fine.

Funny story, when I came out of surgery the doctor went to the waiting room to tell my husband and mom how I was doing. My husband said all the doctor cared about was showing them a picture of how big my stone was. He took a picture of it on the table and put a tape measure next to it. My husband kept saying "that is nice, now how is my wife?".

The doctor even gave me a copy of the picture, which I kept, cause I thought it made a great story. But I think I threw it out since then.

18-05-12, 18:13
Lol that's made me giggle was your stone big.
I hope they take mine out cos I cnt have this niggling pain and then it gets worse if I eat certain foods. Xx

18-05-12, 20:48
Oh yeah, it was one big stone and two little ones.

01-06-12, 23:29
Wow I'm so glad to find someone with similar experanicrs to me I have been having bad aches and diahorra for about a year now have been back and forth to the doctors and given blood numerous
Times and each time my alt enzyme in my liver is double what it should be so I have now been booked in for a ultra sound aswell I was wondering if my symptoms could be caused by gallbladder issues bit like ibs Symptons but also make you anxious could you explain a bit about what happens at the ultrasound as I have mine on the 19th June and I'm worried sick what they might find. Causing me to have panic attacks thanks phil