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View Full Version : News triggerred and Event triggered depression

15-05-12, 13:23
Dear all,

I have been a bit low on the mood for the last two days ( dont know why).
Yesterday, I was trying to repair a watch. A pinion and a screw fell down.
I immediately started panicking that my son might swallow it, or it might go into his mouth when he rolls on the carpet and plays.
So I spent the next few hours looking for a 1mm component on the carpet.
Wife said I am acting real stupid and should calm down.
I still went on and on, but successfully found the screw.
This further added to my panic as screw if swollen can pass out easily as it is blunt, whereas the pinion is a sharp thing.
I searched for few more hours and gave up.
When I went back and sat on my chair, to my surprice, I could feel it on my back ( showing how sensitive I have become). Got a bit of relief.

But looks like this has gone deep into the mind, I had terrible dreams.

Woke up depressed, and got the metro.
Picked up the free paper.
The first page had a news on a girl who was misdiagnised.
This again triggered the attack and am feeling really really depressed.
I am browsing news and symptoms instead of working :-(

I plan to stop picking up the newspaper, or read news for the next few months. But I was told, avoidance only adds to the problem.

Any suggestions?