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View Full Version : Hello :)

15-05-12, 13:54
Hi Just introducing myself. I am a full time mum and in my mid 30s (eek!)Hope to get some help and advice for severe anxiety. I have always had it really but it got worse after the stillbirths of 2 of my children :( I also had a near death experience with massive internal bleeding after an op as well as almost losing another child at birth and one who required an op to save him. After all these events and trauma I became anxious especially around my living children and their health, picturing bad things happening etc. It was as though I knew bad things could happen and was half expecting things. It is like I am on edge all the time, nervous. Now I also struggle with social anxiety and panic attacks. Worst of all getting severe palpatations (will probably do a post about this). Anyway sorry to go on, hope to chat to people soon :)


15-05-12, 13:55
Hi Jezza

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-05-12, 14:18
Hi Jezza,
I am so sorry for the loss of your children and can understand how this would have caused your anxiety.
I can also see how it would make you worry about your family's health.

The panic attacks are horrible and so is the social anxiety, I have both these problems to deal with aswell, on a daily basis.

This site has been a God send to me since I came upon it.

I hope you can get the support and friendship that you need.:hugs:

16-05-12, 11:46
Thank you both for the kind welcome :)

16-05-12, 11:51
Hi Jez, just joined myself, really interesting site. realise we're not alone. Trying to find answers from people who know and people that 'been there'. Hope this site helps you. Welcome

16-05-12, 18:37
Hi Jez,

You've been through a terrible time and I'm not surprised you're feeling anxious. I really feel for you.

I hope you'll find this site a comfort and I know you'll meet lots of new people who understand what you're going through. We're all really friendly and I look forward to you contributing to some threads - I know your experiences will really help others to cope.

Take care

Pip x

17-05-12, 11:45
Thank you so much for the lovely welcome :)