View Full Version : Help important interview tomorrow

15-05-12, 16:18
Hi guys
Iv suffered with anxiety for a few years nw,But over the last year I have developed this social Anxiety, ageing at home for the last couple of years with not many friends has help this develop.
Well tomorrow I have a very important job interview and although I feel I'll know what to say, I find it very hard talking to people for longer than a few seconds.
I can't keep eye contact for long and feel like I look nervous and not confident. Also I start to breath faster as I talk so it seems like I'm nervous and rushing.
When I hear my own voice I feel very uncomftable and get this feeling of derealization . Please help with any advice.
Thanks Greg
I'm 45 and male by the way,

15-05-12, 16:35
Hi Greg. I empathise.

How good are you at acting? Or at least putting on an act?

Try to remember that it will only last for an hour or so. What kind of industry? Is it a people facing job? Or more focussed on your technical skills. If it's technical, I suspect the task will be easier because you can just concentrate on the hard facts that you would be bringing to the table. Can you tell us what kind of job it is?

I find it easier to do work things because they are not actually interested in me as a person, I am only there as a tool to do the job they want. I can do that. You could try thinking of it like that. Don't worry about the personal aspect, they won't be !

if you are struggling to talk at length, fake a cough and ask for water to sip.

re eye contact; if you are lucky, there will be more than one person in the room, so you can flit between them.

Have you go anyone you can practice on tonight?

15-05-12, 17:20
Hi again.
Well the job is unusual not the norm ( if you like) but I have all the skills of communication and understanding etc needed for this roll. As I worked for adults with severe and challenging learning dissabilitys for 6 years and had tons of training on support and control, the job Im going for is a Funeral Directors position. And I do feel confident I know what to say, But !! I'm not confident around people at the moment and feel quite small when I'm put on the spot being asked questions .

16-05-12, 00:29
Hi Greg, I had my first interview for a while the other day. I've always been nervous when being interviewed or giving presentations, I think it's when I know the spotlight is on me. I hate it. Recently I have had a few panic attacks and I was so scared this interview was going to bring on another. Recently however my Dr gave me a low doseage of betablockers. She gave me a lot though as at the time my panic attacks were getting so bad I could barely leave the house. I took them for a couple of days and they helped so much but I don't like taking medicine day in day out so I took myself off them after a few days and feeling slightly better. They stop your heart racing if you get nervous and stop the adrenaline, which in turn helps your breathing.

I remembered them before my interview and took one. Amazingly it was one of the best interviews I have had and I was very happy with how it went even though I just missed out on the job.

I don't know if it's too late for this but these could help? If not just keep your breathing under control and take it SLOW. That is the key I think, if you're not sure of a question ask to come back to it. Think about your answers and your knowledge of the subject will shine through!

Good luck mate, Michael

16-05-12, 01:00
I think once you are 'suited & booted' head held high, you will feel as confident as you look :yesyes: I really think the thought will be far worse than the actual interview, just keep telling yourself positive things.... almost like you are doing here...you have the skills and experience and you also sound like a caring & sensitive guy, another two attributes to add to your list!! I'm sure you will be brilliant and I wish you lots of luck. Let us know how you get on...you CAN do it :D

Kitti :)

16-05-12, 08:16
Good luck today! You know you have all the attributes and compassion to be good at this job. go go go!

16-05-12, 08:25
Hope it goes all well. The way I deal with this situation is simply try and do other things to keep my mind off it. I know that the interview is not that hard but for me it is the waiting that can cause problems.

16-05-12, 11:14
Thank you guys and girls so much for your support. Only a few hrs to go . I will take on board what has been given to me hear and go for it, thanks again just needed to hear some reassuring words from others.
Will update on interview latter.