View Full Version : chest symptoms, really scared

15-05-12, 16:23
Hi all,

just registered, in desparate need of advice.

Have a long history of panic and anxiety - 10 years but have stupidly refused help as felt i could handle it on my own.

No i have chronic fatigue (Im 26, female) and main issue at moment is when i dont sleep i reach a crisis like point and have heart attack like symtpoms - tightness under left arm and breast, radiating to neck, back and down arm, tingling in fingers, chestiness as if i need to cough up stuff, difficulty breathing, clammy hands, nausea, spasm type feelings in veins in legs, obv extreme weakness and fatigue.

Does this sound like heart problems? i've had this alot and initally just thought it was anxiety but today i just thought this could be serious. should I ask my doc to check. I'm so scared my stupid negligence has caused heart problems.

thanks in advance

17-05-12, 13:50
I am having all the same too. Calfs feel strange (tight). Chest feels tight left side. Also getting random spells where I feel breathless. Now got a head ache on one side only ahhhhg

18-05-12, 16:10
Get it checked out but it sounds like anxiety. It starts off with one little thing, which spirals into more and more when you worry about it. I would get it checked out but I am sure the dr will say you're fine.

24-08-12, 04:51
i, have had almost the exact same symptoms, except mine include: jaw pain,a dull pain in my left arm that started at my shoulder and goes to my wrist,dizziness and trembling and constant worry from the time my eyes open till they close.the doc did a heart ultrasound an ekg and they say its all related to anxiety.also diagnosed with costocondritus.im sure the spelling is off but its inflammation in the ribs and can make you think your...well you know, but when you panic your muscles tense and over time will do some damage and make you think a whole lot of things,and all of the symptoms you described are in fact anxiety symptoms,hope this helps