View Full Version : Im new here !

15-05-12, 18:57
Hi I'm collette 28 .. I posted on the forum a couple of hours ago but not had any replies yet .. I'm suffering with severe anxiety disorder at the moment and I'm looking for somebody to be able to relate to what I'm going through and to assure me its normal x

15-05-12, 18:59
Hi lett20

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-05-12, 19:01
Heya Collette,

I have Severe Social Phobia also... :doh:

How long have you had this then? :flowers:

15-05-12, 19:03
I have had anxiety and panic attacks for about 10 years on and off but the past few months have been a nightmare its out of control .. how long have u had urs x

15-05-12, 19:08
Well to be honest I don't really know when the Social Phobia started because I've been this way ever since I could walk and talk! Always been quiet and shy and nervous etc, it was only like 7 months ago that I actually got diagnosed though. I've had depression from the age of 11 and selfharmed from that age also. :flowers:

15-05-12, 19:13
How does it affect ur daily life ? X

15-05-12, 19:25
It affects me from morning til night. I live with my partner and his parents and still after two years i'm as nervous as anything living here. When I get up (usually before my partner) I have to wait for him to get up so I can go to the bathroom, go toilet, brush my teeth etc, then if I'm hungry or thirsty I have to ask my partner to do it for me or come with me down stairs so I can do it, same as anything that requires me going down stairs really. On a really bad day i'll make him sit with me in the bathroom if I have a bath or shower but usually he'll sit on the steps outside our bedroom and have a smoke or watch tv/play PS3/go on laptop in the bedroom but makes sure to leave the bedroom door open for me so that when either of his parents come up whilst i'm in the bathroom they'll know not to knock because i'm in there (that makes me nervous). I find it hard to talk to people because either my mind goes blank or i'll feel stupid for say something and then because I feel like a right idiot i'll go off and cry and hurt myself for being an idiot. I usually only speak when spoken to, so like answering questions usually. If I go to the shops I don't like going without my partner and I always walk with my head down starring at the floor because I hate eye contact (if I really have to go without him because of his migranes I always put my earphones in and listen to music)

How about you? :flowers:

15-05-12, 19:54
Hi Let, Could you explain how the attacks start. i only joined yesterday, not really sure what is happening to me, some sort of depression, maybe anxiety. Can change during the day. wok

15-05-12, 21:08
I've had anxiety for years and i get good days and bad days. I'm having a bad time right now and after all these years I've finalyl been given someting- beta blocekrs to take when I need to. Helped in some way but I still feel stuck in this anxiety cycle.
I do wonder if my anxiety has been with me since a child as I was also very shy etc.
i can relate to the anxiety, I'm trying to get back into yoga right now and try to relax. I wish someone could tell me what to do to make myself feel better, sometimes I feel so upset and alone.

15-05-12, 21:32
Hi Jen, really feel for you. I had one of the worst days sunday, get soo afraid. I kinda feel myself,going, sort of, into despair, then panic. My head tells me, I may be ok tomorrow or will be ok soon. Never had it more than a day. Not sure what I'll do if I have it longer

18-05-12, 09:10
Where in wales your from Wok out of curiosity?