View Full Version : I need to calm down

15-05-12, 21:50
Im going to edingburgh tomorrow and im making myself ill worrying over it. I cannot just think ohh it will be fun. I keep getting waves of panic that keep going then I will think im fine and it will come back.

It was the same before I went on tour with my band and before I got tattooed.

I seem to not be able to do anything new without making myself feel horrible worrying about it. Im desperate to not ruin it for my girlfriend has anyone got any tips?

15-05-12, 21:52
Hi davexdurham

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-05-12, 22:21
I am exactly the same. My boyfriend always say "When you got that ill nervous feeling before did everything end up turning out okay?" And then usually if I say yea he says "well remember that then when you feel nervous"

You're panicing over nothing. I know silly little techniques that I read like breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, picking a colour and counting how many things of that colour I can see and one I made up which is seeing how much of the phonetic alphabet I can remember (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo... Etc) Or the picnic game "I went to the shops and I bought a sweet... I went to the shops and I bought a sweet and a pen... Etc, they sound silly but the idea is that you're so busy concentrating on the game you're playing in your mind that whatever your panicing about is put to one side.